TI 15.4-Stack Software Development Platform — TI 15.4-Stack 0 documentation (2024)

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  • TI 15.4-Stack Software Development Platform

TI’s royalty-free TI 15.4-Stack is a complete software platform for developing applications that require extremely low-power, long-range, reliable, robust and secure wireless star-topology-based networking solutions. This kit is based on the SimpleLink CC13x0 ultra-low power wireless microcontroller unit (MCU). The CC13x0 device combines a sub-1 GHz RF transceiver with 128KB of in-system programmable memory, 20KB of SRAM, and a full range of peripherals. The CC13x0 device is centered on an ARM® Cortex®-M3 series processor that handles the application layer, TI 15.4-Stack, and an autonomous radio core centered on an ARM Cortex-M0 processor, which handles all the low-level radio control and processing associated with the physical layer and parts of the link layer. The sensor controller block provides additional flexibility by allowing autonomous data acquisition and control independent of the Cortex-M3 processor, which further extends the low-power capabilities of the CC13x0 device.

Figure 2. shows the block diagram. For more information on the CC13x0, see the TI CC13x0 Technical Reference Manual.

TI 15.4-Stack Software Development Platform — TI 15.4-Stack 0 documentation (1)

Figure 2. SimpleLink™ CC13x0 Block Diagram

Protocol Stack and Application Configurations

Figure 3. shows the two different system architecturesenabled by TI 15.4-Stack.

  • A single device is shown in Figure 3. (left). Theapplication and protocol stack are both implemented on the CC13x0 as a truesingle-chip solution. This configuration is the simplest and most common whenusing the CC13x0 for network nodes and also using the CC13x0 as apersonal area network (PAN) coordinator node. This configuration is the mostcost-effective technique and provides the lowest-power performance.
  • A coprocessor is shown in Figure 3. (right). Theprotocol stack runs on the CC13x0 while the application is executed on anexternal MPU or MCU. The application interfaces with the CC13x0 using thenetwork protocol interface (NPI) over a serial universal asynchronousreceiver/transmitter (UART) connection. The description of the API interface isprovided in the TI 15.4-Stack CoP Interface Guide document found in thedocs/ti154stack folder of the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK install. This configuration isuseful for applications that must add long-range wireless connectivity or peripheralapplications, which execute on another device (such as an external MCU) or on aPC without the requirement to implement the complexities associated with awireless networking protocol. In these cases, the application can be developedexternally on a host processor while running TI 15.4-Stack on the CC13x0, whichprovides ease of development and quickly adds long-range wirelessconnectivity to existing products.

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Figure 3. Single Device and Coprocessor Configuration

Solution Platform

This section describes the various components that are installed with the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK,the directory structure of the protocol stack, and any tools required fordevelopment. Figure 4. shows the TI 15.4-Stackdevelopment system.

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Figure 4. TI 15.4-Stack Development System

The following components are included in the solution platform:

  • Real-time operating system (RTOS) with the TI-RTOS™ SYS/BIOS kernel, optimizedpower management support, andperipheral drivers (serial peripheral interface [SPI], UART and so forth)
  • The CC13xxware driverLib provides a register abstraction layer that is used bysoftware and drivers to control the CC13x0 MCU.
  • TI 15.4-Stack is provided in library form.
  • Example applications make the beginning stages of development easier. Exampleapplications are provided for the CC13x0 platform and Linux® exampleapplications are provided for the AM335x device running the processor SDKfor Linux.
  • Code Composer Studio™ (CCS) is the supported IDE for the example applicationsfor the CC13x0 platform.

Directory Structure

The SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK installer includes all the files needed to start evaluating exampleapplications and to later create custom applications using TI 15.4-Stack. Theinstalled SDK provides the following content at the indicated default locations on the development computer:

  • Documents: detailed API, developer’s guide, and user’s guide documentation

  • Examples: complete application examples for collector, sensor, and coprocessordevices, as well as prebuilt hex files.

    • If using a CC1310 then examples are here:

    • If using a CC1350 then examples are here:

  • Tools: support files for the Wireshark protocol analyzer



The TI 15.4-Stack component within the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK includes several projectsthat range from providing core IEEE 802.15.4 MAC functionality to use-casespecific applications such as Collector and Sensor. The following projectscan be used directly out of the box to demonstrate basic wireless applicationsand can be used later as a starting point for new application development.

The Coprocessor project can be used to build a MAC coprocessor device thatworks with a host processor in a 2-chip scenario. The coprocessor projectprovides full-function MAC capability over serial interface to the applicationrunning on the host. This device allows TI 15.4-Stack wireless functionality to beadded to systems that are not suited to single-chip solutions. A prebuilt hexfile for the coprocessor is provided in the SDK. If changes are needed, such asaddition of a custom API command, the coprocessor project can be used togenerate a new hex file.

The Collector project builds a full-function device (FFD) that performsthe functions of a network coordinator (starting a network and permittingdevices to join that network) and also provides an application to monitor andcollect sensor data from one or more sensor devices. Prebuilt hex files for thecollector project (demonstrating several communication scenarios) are providedin the SDK. The collector project is used to build these hex files and can bemodified to alter communication or application functionality.

The Sensor project builds an reduced-function device (RFD) that performs thefunctions of a network device (joining a network and polling the coordinator formessages) and also provides an application to collect and send sensor data tothe collector device. Prebuilt hex files for the sensor project are provided inthe SDK to demonstrate operation in several communication scenarios. The sensorproject is used to build these hex files and can be modified to altercommunication or application functionality.

The _oad projects are used in conjuction with BLE OAD. Theseprojects are functionally the same as the default sensor and collectorapplications except they exclude page 0 and page 31 in internal flash to makeroom for the BIM. For more information on BLE OAD see theBluetooth Low Energy Software Developer’s Guide.

The Linux Collector and Gateway Applications are provided as part of theTI 15.4-Stack Linux SDK installer. The TI 15.4-Stack Linux SDK is a separate SDK that can bedownloaded online at https://www.ti.com/tool/ti-15.4-stack-gateway-linux-sdk. The LinuxCollector Example Application interfaces with the CC13x0 running the MACcoprocessor through UART. The Linux Collector Example Application provides thesame functionality as the Embedded Collector Application with the addition ofproviding a socket server interface to the Linux Gateway Application. The LinuxGateway Application implemented within the Node.js® framework connects as aclient to the socket server created by the Linux Collector Example Applicationand establishes a local web server to which the user can connect through a webbrowser (in the local network) to monitor and control the network devices. TheCollector and Gateway Applications that provide IEEE 802.15.4 to the IP Bridgeare a great starting point for creating Internet of Things (IoT) applicationswith TI 15.4-Stack.

The Linux Serial Bootloader Application is included inside the TI 15.4-Stack Linux SDKinstaller. This application demonstrates how to upgrade the firmware of theCC13x0 MCU through the CC13x0 ROM bootloader.


Specific documentation for detailed Linux example applications can befound in the ${linux_sdk_root}/doc folder after running the LinuxInstaller.The Linux installer requires an x86 64-bit machine running Ubuntu.

Setting Up the Integrated Development Environment

All embedded software for TI 15.4-Stack is developed using TI’s CCSon a Windows® 7 or later PC. To browse through the SDK projects and view thecode as it is referenced in this document, it is necessary to install and set upthe CCS integrated development environment (IDE). This section providesinformation on where to find this software and how to properly configure theworkspace for the IDE.

Path and file references in this document assume that the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK has beeninstalled to the default path, hereafter referred to as <INSTALL_DIR>.Projects do not build properly if paths below the top-level directory aremodified.

Installing the SDK

To install the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK, run the installer:simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_1_30_00_xx.exe


The xx indicates the SDK build revision number at the time ofrelease.

The default TI 15.4-Stack install path is:


(if using a CC1350) or


(if using a CC1310).

In addition to TI 15.4-Stack code, documentation, and projects, installing theSDK also installs the TI-RTOS bundle and the XDC tools, if not alreadyinstalled. Table 1. lists the software and tools that aresupported and testedwith this SDK. Check the TI 15.4-Stack Wiki for the latest supportedtool versions.

Table 1. Supported Tools and Software:
Tool Or SoftwareVersionInstall Path
TI 15.4-Stack SDK2.1.0C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_1_30_00_xx\examples\rtos\CC13x0_LAUNCHXL\ti154stack
Core SDK3.01.00.14C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_1_30_00_xx\kernel\tirtos
XDC Tools3.50.00.10C:\ti\xdctools_3_xx_xx_xx_core
CCS IDE7.1C:\ti\ccsv7
SmartRF™ FlashProgrammer 21.7.5C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\SmartRF Tools\Flash Programmer 2

Code Composer Studio

Code Composer Studio (CCS) provides a suite of tools that are used todevelop applications that run on TI’s MCUs and embedded processors. CCS containsmany features that go beyond the scope of this document—more information can befound on the CCS website. Check the CC13x0 SimpleLink SDK release notes tosee which CCS version to use.

The following describes installing and configuring the correct version of CCS and the necessary tools.

  1. Download CCS 7.1 from the Download CCS wiki page.
  2. Launch the CCS installer.
  3. On the Processor Support menu (seeFigure 5.), expand SimpleLink Wireless MCUs andselect SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx Wireless MCUs

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Figure 5. Processor Support Menu Selections

  1. Click the Next button, then click the Finish button.
  2. After CCS has installed, apply all available updates by selecting HelpCheck for Updates.


This step may require restarting CCS as each update is applied.

Configure CCS

This section explains how to configure CCS for development and debugging. Italso provides information on useful CCS IDE settings (see Useful CCS IDE Settings)

Using CCS

This section describes how to open and build an existing project. The Sensorproject is used as an example. However, all of the CCS projects included in thedevelopment kit have a similar structure.

Importing SDK Projects

Launch the CCS IDE and prepare to import the TI 15.4-Stack projects from the installedSDK:

  1. Select ProjectImport CCS Projects

  2. Select Select search-directory: and click the Browse… button.

  3. Navigate to


    and click the OK button (see Figure 6.).If using CC1310, navigate to


TI 15.4-Stack Software Development Platform — TI 15.4-Stack 0 documentation (5)

Figure 6. Import SDK Projects Menu Selection

  1. The Discovered projects box now lists the projects that have been found.Select the Copy projects into workspace checkbox, click the Select Allbutton, and last click the Finish button to import a copy of each SDKproject into the workspace (see Figure 7.).


    In the following sections, the project names for the CC1310 andCC1350 platforms are referred to as CC13x0. Replace x with either 1 or 5 depending on the wireless MCU being used.

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Figure 7. CCS Project Import Pane

Workspace Overview

The workspace now contains all projects needed to build downloadable images. Thefollowing examples build a Sensor image, to produce a functional sensor device.

In the Project Explorer pane, click on the sensor_cc13x0lp project to makeit active. Click on the arrow to the left of the project to expand its contents,as shown in Figure 8..

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Figure 8. CCS Project Explorer Pane

In Figure 8., all folders (under thesensor_cc13x0lp project) except for sensor_cc13x0lp can beconsidered input folders, which contain source code files, header files, andconfiguration files used to compile and link the application. Thesensor_cc13x0lp folder contains output files, which include programmableimages and the linker map.

Compiling and Linking

All example projects in the SDK are ready to build out-of-the-box meaning theyare preconfigured for use with a specific target board, in this case the CC13x0 LaunchPad.To build a Sensor Application image that is ready to program onto a LaunchPadboard, select ProjectRebuild Project. The Console pane of the IDEdisplays the individual results of source file compilations, followed by thelinker results, as shown in Figure 9..

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Figure 9. CCS Project Console Pane

In Figure 9., the output foldersensor_cc13x0lp is populated with results from a successful build of theSensor Application. Two programmable output files have been produced,sensor_cc13x0lp.out and sensor_cc13x0lp.hex, along with a detailedlinker map file, sensor_cc13x0lp.map.

Downloading Hex Files

As shown in Compiling and Linking, the CCS linker produces .hex filesthat are readyfor direct download to the target hardware. The hex image can be downloaded to atarget device by a stand-alone tool, such as the SmartRF Flash Programmer 2,shown in Figure 10..

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Figure 10. Programming Hex Files

As shown in Figure 10., SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 canbe used to program the prebuilt hex file using the Flash image(s) → Singlefeature. Use the Browse… button to select the following files:


After connecting a CC13x0 LaunchPad target board to one of the USB ports ofthe PC, the XDS110 instance becomes listed in the Connected devices panel.Select the listed device by clicking on the CC1310 icon. Programming theCC13x0 LaunchPad is accomplished through the following sequence (seeFigure 10.).

  1. Select the Erase action, using the Pages in image option.
  2. Select the Program action, using the Entire source file option.
  3. Select the Verify action, using the Readback option.
  4. Press the Play button (blue icon at the lower right corner of the Actionspanel).
  5. Observe the device programming feedback in the Status panel. It showsSuccess! when finished.
  6. Exit the SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 and power cycle the LaunchPad to run theapplication.


When debugging is necessary, .out files produced by the linker are downloadedand run from the CCS IDE. The following procedure would typically be used to debug the program.

Continuing with the Sensor example project, the compiled program can bedownloaded to the target and a debug session initiated by selecting: RunDebug on the IDE, as shown in Figure 11..

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Figure 11. Debugging Sensor Application

In Figure 11., the IDE has switched from the CCSEdit perspective to CCS Debug and shows the program counter stopped at main().From this starting point, the developer can single-step through sourcecode, set and run-to breakpoints, and run the program using icons at the top ofthe display. During a debug session, the user can switch between the CCS Editand CCS Debug perspectives, as necessary, to view project files and performdebugging operations.

Useful CCS IDE Settings

The CCS provides a large number of configurable settings that can be used tocustomize the IDE and individual projects. The following examples do not alterthe generated program code, but they can improve the developer’s experience whenworking with CCS projects. The CCS can reduce project compilation time by takingadvantage of multiple processor cores on the development computer.

To use this feature, navigate to ProjectPropertiesBuildBehaviorand select Enable parallel build, as shown in Figure 12..

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Figure 12. Properties for sensor_cc13x0lp

CCS users can control the amount of information that is displayed in the Consoleportion of the screen during project compilation and linking, ranging fromVerbose to Super quiet. To change this setting, navigate to WindowPreferencesCode Composer StudioBuild and select an entry from theConsole verbosity level drop-down, as shown inFigure 13.

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Figure 13. Console Verbosity Level Preferences

Accessing Preprocessor Symbols

Throughout this document and in the source code, various C preprocessor symbolsmay need to be defined or modified at the project level. Preprocessor symbols(also known as Predefined Symbols) are used to enable and disable features andset operational values to be considered when the program is compiled. A commonway to disable an item without deleting it is to prefix an x to that item (seexASSERT_LEDS in Figure 14. for an example).

In CCS, preprocessor symbols are accessed by selecting and opening theappropriate Project Properties, then navigating to CCS BuildARM CompilerPredefined Symbols. To add, delete, or edit a preprocessor symbol, use oneof the icons shown in the red box in Figure 14..

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Figure 14. Predefined Symbols Pane

Top-Level Software Architecture

The TI 15.4-Stack software environment consists of three separate parts:

  • A real-time operating system (RTOS)
  • An Application
  • A Stack

The TI-RTOS is a real-time, pre-emptive, multithreaded operating system thatruns the software solution with task synchronization. Both the Application andMAC protocol stack exist as separate tasks within the RTOS, with the TI 15.4-Stackhaving the highest priority. A messaging framework, Indirect Call(ICall), is used for thread-safe synchronization between the Applicationand the Stack. Figure 15. illustrates the architecture.

TI 15.4-Stack Software Development Platform — TI 15.4-Stack 0 documentation (14)

Figure 15. Software Architecture

  • The Application
    • Includes the application code, drivers, TI-RTOS, and the ICall module
  • The Stack
    • Includes the TI 15.4-Stack
  • High-Level MAC is the API with the application, handles protocol messaging anddata queues, controls the personal area network information bases(PIB).
  • Frequency Hopping maintains frequency-hopping schedules and neighbor tracking.
  • Low-Level MAC handles low level timing, encryption and decryption, andinterfaces to the PHY.


The flash is split into erasable pages of 4 KB. The various sections of flash and the associated linker configuration file (cc13x0lp.cmd).

  • Application space: contains example application (or your application), MACstack, RTOS, drivers, and so on
  • Nonvolatile (NV) area used for NV memory storage by the Application.
  • Customer Configuration Area (CCA): the last sector of flash used to storecustomer specific chip configuration (CCFG) parameters

Using Nonvolatile Memory

Thetion NV area of flash is used for storing persistent data for the application.TI 15,4-Stack provides two implementations of NV. One uses one page of internalflash, while the other uses two. By default example applications use one pageNV. For more information on one page NV please refer to nvocop.c whichdescribes the implementation details. Also nvoctp.c describes the implementationdetails of the two page NV. The last page in flash is the CCA page, dependingon whether one page or two page NV is used one or two pages before the last page (CCA)are defined as the NV area. The example projects use theNV driver with the API defined in nvintf.h.

The NV driver is set up in main.c:

#ifdef NV_RESTORE /* Setup the NV driver */ NVOCTP_loadApiPtrs(&Main_user1Cfg.nvFps); if(Main_user1Cfg.nvFps.initNV) { Main_user1Cfg.nvFps.initNV( NULL); }#endif

Then the applications use the function pointers in Main_user1Cfg to call the NVfunctions defined in nvintf.h:

//! Structure of NV API function pointerstypedef struct nvintf_nvfuncts_t{ //! Initialization function NVINTF_initNV initNV; //! Compact NV function NVINTF_compactNV compactNV; //! Create item function NVINTF_createItem createItem; //! Delete NV item function NVINTF_deleteItem deleteItem; //! Read item function NVINTF_readItem readItem; //! Write item function NVINTF_writeItem writeItem; //! Write existing item function NVINTF_writeItemEx writeItemEx; //! Get item length function NVINTF_getItemLen getItemLen;} NVINTF_nvFuncts_t;

The following is an example of a write from csf.c:

static void updateDeviceListItem(Llc_deviceListItem_t *pItem){ if((pNV != NULL) && (pItem != NULL)) { int idx; idx = findDeviceListIndex(&pItem->devInfo.extAddress); if(idx != DEVICE_INDEX_NOT_FOUND) { NVINTF_itemID_t id; /* Setup NV ID for the device list record */ id.systemID = NVINTF_SYSID_APP; id.itemID = CSF_NV_DEVICELIST_ID; id.subID = (uint16_t)idx; /* write the device list record */ pNV->writeItem(id, sizeof(Llc_deviceListItem_t), pItem); } }}

The following is an example of a read from csf.c:

bool Csf_getNetworkInformation(Llc_netInfo_t *pInfo){ if((pNV != NULL) && (pNV->readItem != NULL) && (pInfo != NULL)) { NVINTF_itemID_t id; /* Setup NV ID */ id.systemID = NVINTF_SYSID_APP; id.itemID = CSF_NV_NETWORK_INFO_ID; id.subID = 0; /* Read Network Information from NV */ if(pNV->readItem(id, 0, sizeof(Llc_netInfo_t), pInfo) == NVINTF_SUCCESS) { return(true); } } return(false);}

The NV system is a collection of NV items. Each item is unique and have thefollowing pieces to it (defined in nvintf.h).:

/*** NV Item Identification structure*/typedef struct nvintf_itemid_t{ //! NV System ID - identifies system (ZStack, BLE, App, OAD...) uint8_t systemID; //! NV Item ID uint16_t itemID; //! NV Item sub ID uint16_t subID;} NVINTF_itemID_t;

Memory Management (RAM)

Space for RAM is configured in the linker configuration file (cc13x0lp.cmd).Application Image: RAM space for the Application and shared heaps. This space isconfigured in the linker config file of the Application, cc13x0lp.cmd

System Stack

Besides the RTOS and ICall heaps previously mentioned, there are other sectionsof memory to consider. As described in TI-RTOS Overview, each task hasits ownruntime stack for context switching. Furthermore, another runtime stack is usedby the RTOS for main(), HWIs, and SWIs. This system stack is allocated in theApplication linker file, to be placed at the end of the RAM of the Application.

For CCS, the RTOS system stack is defined by the Program.stack parameter in theapp.cfg RTOS configuration file.

/* main() and Hwi, Swi stack size */Program.stack = 1280;

Then the RTOS system stack is placed by the linker in the RAM space of theApplication::

/* Create global constant that points to top of stack *//* CCS: Change stack size under Project Properties */STACK_TOP = stack + STACK_SIZE;

Dynamic Memory Allocation

The system uses two heaps for dynamic memory allocation. It is important tounderstand the use of each heap so that the application designer maximizes theuse of available memory. The RTOS is configured with a small heap in the app.cfgRTOS configuration file.

var HeapMem = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.HeapMem');BIOS.heapSize = 1724;

This heap (HeapMem) is used to initialize RTOS objects as well as allocate theTI 15.4-Stack task runtime stack. This size of this heap has been chosen to meetthe system initialization requirements. Due to the small size of this heap, TIdoes not recommend allocating memory from the RTOS heap for general applicationuse. For more information on the TI-RTOS heap configuration, refer to the HeapImplementations section of the TI-RTOS SYS/BIOS Kernel User’s Guide.

Instead, a separate heap must be used by the Application. The ICall modulestatically initializes an area of Application RAM, heapmgrHeapStore, which canbe used by the various tasks. The size of this ICall heap is defined by thepreprocessor definition of the Application HEAPMGR_SIZE, and is set to 0 bydefault for the Collector and Sensor projects; a value of 0 means that allunused RAM is given to the ICall heap. Although the ICall heap is defined in theApplication project, it is also shared with the TI 15.4-Stack APIs whichallocate memory from the ICall heap. To manually change the size of the ICallheap, adjust the value of the preprocessor symbol HEAPMGR_SIZE in theApplication project to a value other than 0.

To profile the amount of ICall heap used, define the HEAPMGR_METRICSpreprocessor symbol in the Application project. Refer to heapmgr.h inComponents\applib\heap for available heap metrics. The following is an exampleof dynamically allocating a variable length (n) array using the ICall heap.:

//define pointeruint8_t *pArray;// Create dynamic pointer to array.if (pArray = (uint8_t*)ICall_malloc(n*sizeof(uint8_t))){ //fill up array}else{ //not able to allocate}

The following is an example of freeing the previous array.:


A Note on Initializing RTOS Objects

Due to the limited size of the RTOS heap, TI strongly recommends that usersconstruct and not create RTOS objects. To illustrate this recommendation,consider the difference between the Clock_construct() and Clock_create()functions. Listing 1. shows the definitions of thesefunctions from the SYS/BIOS API.

Listing 1. Definitions of Functions from the SYS/BIOS API

// Allocate and initialize a new instance object and return its handleClock_Handle Clock_create(Clock_FuncPtr, UInt timeout, \ const Clock_params *params, Error_Block *eb);// Initialize a new instance object inside the provided structureVoid Clock_construct(Clock_Struct *structP, Clock_FuncPtr clockFxn, \ UInt timeout, const Clock_Params *params);

By declaring a static Clock_Struct object and passing this object toClock_construct(), the .DATA section for the actual Clock_Struct is used, notthe limited RTOS heap. Conversely, Clock_create() causes the RTOS to allocateClock_Struct using the limited heap of the RTOS. As much as possible, thismethod is how clocks and RTOS objects in general, should be initializedthroughout the project. If creating RTOS objects must be used, the size of theRTOS heap may need to be adjusted in app.cfg.

TI 15.4-Stack Software Development Platform — TI 15.4-Stack 0 documentation (2024)


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