The Hope of Seikas - A Fantasy Magical Girl RP - Signup Thread (2024)

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For as far back as this world, Seikas, has existed in the cosmos, two great forces have stood on opposition and balance. Battling, struggling for power and dominance, their views in complete opposition that warrants no compromise. Around their struggles life in Seikas has been shaped and the very civilizations now dotting its surface are the product of their fight.

Eleisa, the Bright Lady, The Great Goddess, Sylendil... Known by many names, she represents all that is good in the world. Mother of the Goodly Races, of civilization itself Eleisa preaches for the unity of all, for communion into a greater purpose in life, doing good and living a worthy proud life. All civilized races on the world have Churches and Traditions in her honor, due to her mercy and protection. No matter the distance, they can communicate with the Sacred Tongue, also called the Common Tongue, which the Goddess has taught to all her followers. Gods of all kinds have communed under Eleisa and there are those who say that all Gods are her children just as much as the living.

Then there is Aversa, the Deep Chaos, the Great Enemy, Sharna... a hateful entity and enemy of all living, wielding her power for the sake of destruction and death. Creator of monsters and demons all over the world, the one who cultivates darkness and selfishness in the hearts of all goodly folk, tempting them with their basest most selfish desires as well as the promises of endless power. That there are people who pledge their lives to her and her darkness is full sign that even despite Eleisa's love the civilized races have still a long way to go in order to become the ideal they were meant to embrace. Serving Eleisa are host upon host of demons and horrible abominations all intending to bring Seikas to ruin.

Long ago, the two great beings waged war... Gods against Abominations, cleansing light shining bright against deep shadow. The Great Goddess and her Gods won the battle allowing Eleisa to bring forth her vision for the world... creating humans, elves, giants, dwarves, halflings and many more. She made gentle plains, mighty mountains, deep lush forests and gentle oceans... and upon such a legacy, for centuries, civilization was granted the chance to grow, develop and prosper. However, even vanquished the Fell Queen wouldn't sit idle... from the shadows, the dark wild corners of the world she nourished her own creations... monsters, evil cults and demonic attackers. Great Calamities from time to time... however, to a certain extend, this age was one of little intervention by Eleisa and Aversa. Eleisa traveled the world she created, imparting her wisdom and gospel to all races and bestowed blessings upon the Faithful... while Aversa did likewise, forming cults and bargains... but neither of them fighting in the world with their own Godly might, instead depending on proxies, letting the races, Gods, monsters and Demons fight for their respective causes and form their own path. Their strength was left in reserve... meant to oppose each other... Or at least, that was what was intended.

Alas, the worst calamity struck Seikas but four decades ago. For in truth, Eleisa, so giving and nourishing had spent more of her power than her Great Enemy... nourishing and caring for a whole planet is no easy task and her benevolent nature led her to intervene from time to time for the sake of those she loved most. Such a small imbalance means little on its own... but small things build up and up over time... and eventually, Aversa prepared a plot to finally undo the Bright Lady. It took one particular Priestess on the bountiful country of Paln... One of the mortals most invested with Eleisa's power... one who was bestowed great magic to do a ritual every five years to ward away drought and bring forth bounty to the great land. Slowly... insidiously... and taking near no power, Aversa turned the Priestess to her side. And in the eve of the greatest festival, an occasion of life, of nourishment and the most Sacred Tradition... the Priestess said not the prayers for bounty and renovation... but instead the utmost heresy and darkness. The sacred Priestess became most Unholy... and her power, Eleisa's power went to wicked Aversa.

Upon Paln's fields a war and battle was fought in the blink of an eye... killing so many of those who had come to witness the ritual. Gods and Celestials hurried from all over the world, trying to contain the Fell power of rising Aversa... but so empowered, nobody could stand against her and her demons. That is, until Eleisa herself appeared upon the field to face her nemesis. Her selfless nature would not allow her to hide and bide her time and strength to oppose Aversa on even grounds... not while so many lives, civilization itself stood on the brink of ruin with Aversa to move free. Thus she took the selfish Goddess by surprise... attacking suddenly, with all of her strength and her magic. She drove Aversa away from Paln and then, in her greatest show of Magical Might, she wove the greatest enchantment ever seen on Seikas. Away from her nations and civilization she sealed Aversa... imprisoning her away. Her words were heard by her followers... so long as civilization stands strong, Aversa shall never be free. Then they could feel it... everyone alive the in the world at that moment. One last wave of warmth, of pure love touching their souls before there was... emptiness. Nothingness. The Goddess Eleisa had died for all of them, expended from weaving such a powerful enchantment... and given the death blow by the imprisoned Aversa. While a lot of her vast power remained... her clerics could feel her light and the Sacred magic of Eleisa, they could not feel her presence... such left over magic was basically the corpse of the great Goddess. And indeed, a bit of her lay in all life on the world. That, however, was little comfort for all who had been touched by her love, who mourned her passing fervently.

However... Aversa, though sealed, was still very much alive... and now, more than ever, was her chance to reign supreme as she struggled against the searing bonds of Eleisa. Through the cracks in the spell she wove her magic and her will... she called her demons and prepared for her new struggle for freedom. It happened slowly... as more and more monsters started to breed and multiply on the edge of civilization, more attacks came upont he nations, though these attacks were easily fended off by the might of civilization. Then... however, came the Chaos Apostles.

Seven years after Aversa's sealing a Fell creature bigger than a castle rose from the wilderness... leading a regiment of abominations against Paln. Many villages were destroyed in its wake... two towns utterly ruined before the Paln Empire gathered up its shining army, field after field of valiant knights, soldiers and priests all unleashing their strength into fighting off the Horde... and with the then young High King Avelous dealing the final blow to the great beast, hence called Moranorth, the First Apostle. If only, that had been the end of it...

However, Avelous victory was only a small reprieve... giving only three years of peace before more of the Apostles attacked. All nations on the continent had to fight off, with great loses the attacks... the sheer might of the demons and their Fell power. Things looked grim to the defenders of civilization... that is, until a new hope shone forth. All around the land, a few chosen girls saw upon their bodies appear the Mark of the Magic... a four pointed star anywhere upon their bodies, the size of a coin. Some where born with it... some had it appear suddenly for no reason and some obtained it after an epiphany. However, all who received it were girls and young maidens, in humans none older than twenty years of age or the equivalent in the long lived races. At first this was nothing more than a curiosity, some religious scholars saw it as a good omen... but none suspected the true potential of the Marked until a brave girl in Magstrara rose to face one of the Apostles... and became bathed in power, around her Mark a new pattern appeared as she went, rising up into the air clad in robes which turned away the fell attacks of the beast, wielding a staff with power rivaling that of the greatest archmages. The girl wielded magic powerful enough to scatter the horde and then slew the Chaos Apostle herself. She was the first of a new breed of warriors to face the Darkness... what some believe is the last gift of the Great Goddess Eleisa. Some call them the Chosen, some the Light Apostles, some call them Sacred Maidens... but more than a few people just call them Magical Girls.

All around the continent, Magical Girls started to appear... in little numbers, some regions having no more than one or two at a time and some vast ones definitely more. Most of the time, they were gallant, lovely protectors. Some hid their identity, some were boldly declared local heroes. The girls didn't age unless they wanted to... their bodies didn't follow the usual cycle and even those who wanted to age couldn't mature into full women. Over time some died in battle, some retired somehow giving up the magic of the mark... and then again, some fell into the Darkness... like the Most Unholy, turning away from the light to serve Aversa and the Chaos Apostles. Some merely became chaotic and drunk on their power, causing destruction and selfishly using the power that was meant to protect the world. Their own nations had to turn on these Magical Girls... some being defeated or exiled by their fellow Magical Girls. And then again... sometimes the conflict between nations made Magical Girl fight against Magical Girl. To this day, Paln and Rallis are faced with terrible friction over a war on which Rallis attacked, her own Magical Girl wrecking havoc on Paln forces until a Magical Girl from Paln rose to face her opponent. Paln will forever grudge the attack of Rallis and the destruction the Magical Girl wreaked... however, Rallis bears a great grudge in how it is said that after the Paln Magical Girl defeated Rallis one, she went ahead and killed her without any need, slaying thus one of the great, Sacred idols of the nation.

It is 46 years since the sealing of Aversa and Eleisa's death... 39 years since the rising of Moranorth the First Apostle and his defeat at the hand of once High King Avelous, now Emperor Avelous of Paln. Twenty seven years since the appearance of the first Magical Girl. It is a time of struggles, but also a time of great magic, hope and light. Once Magical Girls all around the world were rarely given the chance to meet given the great distances that separated them... but only a month ago, strange sigils began to appear on monuments and shrines to Eleisa around the globe. Magical Girls may feel drawn towards them.

Upon touching the sigils they may become transported... to a place only Magical Girls can reach. To the Dream... an otherwordly place populated by a few curious individuals, meant to serve the Magical Girls. A place for them to meet and form bonds not previously possible.

Children of Eleisa... will you rise to fight the Darkness?

Welcome (Finally!) to the signup thread for this Fantasy Magical Girls RP! On this game, you all get the chance to play as Magical Girls, fighting the forces of Darkness and rising in power to defend a world beset by evil! Form bonds, strengthen friendships between your fellow magical girls, explore wondrous magical worlds, eat sweets in a patisserie in a magitek city, engage in tactical magical combat against great foes, discover the mysteries of the world... all of this and more you will find within!

Below you will find tons of options to create your custom made Magical Girl, though worry not if you find things you can afford... beating Apostles will net you a variable amount of Star Points to spend on increasing the power of your Magical Girl!

Now, however, first allow me to describe a few of the main nations of the world to give you all a grounded look at the modern world of Seikas, which has a big main continent and a few islands.

  • The Parn Empire: The biggest nation on the continent, Parn is a vast empire set upon a territory of gentle, rolling plains and fields in the center of the Continent. Densely populated Parn produces a great amount of food to both feed his great populace and export to other nations. Their greatest asset is indeed, their great population which allows them to levy massive armies to combat threats. Both their religious and magical power are adequate to say the least in comparison tot heir manpower. Their main population is made up of humans, many half elves, some elven communities, dwarves and halflings on the fields, though such a big empire has a big scattering of all races within it. The Empire is subdivided in many smaller kingdoms which all bow to the Emperor, with the High King ruling the Imperial Kingdom at the heart of Parn while the Emperor oversees both the Capital and rest of the Empire. While the Capital has many magical given luxuries as do the biggest cities, most of the population of Parn live simple lives with almost no magic and just basic, medieval technology. Magical Girls within the Parn Empire are sought after and if possible brought to the Capital to bow their knee at the Emperor. They can chose to be just sworn to serve the Empire but otherwise free or be given great luxury and power, living in the Capital though serving the Emperor directly.
  • The Magocracy of Magstara: A prosperous, magic filled country set upon the deserts and plains to the south east of Parn, Magstara wields the greatest knowledge and application of magic in the entire continent, ruled by a council of Archmages and with many academies for the study and development of magic. Though a lot of their territory is desert, they use their magic to bring great prosperity to their cities, boasting great magical created oasis from which flow great canals of water into the cities, magical transport between and within cities, easy communication, food, light and more. While having a relatively small army, their training is meant to produce elites and their spellcasters are top notch, creating utter chaos on the battlefield. Magstara screens the population actively for Magical Girls and when found they are brought by all means available, preferably before they first manifest their powers, to be sealed by the Archmages... thus giving them the power to hamper their abilities or even kill the Magical Girl if they use their power for ill. The might of the Archmages is such that even a Magical Girl, if passed through the ritual, cannot escape the bindings of their enchantment. However, aside from the seal they are treated with great reverence and granted their leave to study magic in the academies with great esteem. Their population is mostly made up of human, desert elves, regular elves, genasi, magical creatures and the like.
  • The Holds of Northstein: To the far North West of Parn there lies a land of cold where only the hardy can survive. Here people cultivate great strength in order to overcome great populations of monsters, cold winters and the endless hunt for more food on a frozen land. In this land, the Holds fight for the best hunting grounds, for honor and then band together to take on bigger threats. Usually, the people of Northstein have big holds, constructed into the mountainside, underground or in the middle of a frozen forest where in the winter the members of a clan hide from the endless blizzards and drink the cold away. During the spring most of the population of the Hold depart into a migration, going after elk and other animals, surviving as nomads on the go to gather materials, glory tales and food to then bring back to the Hold in order to survive the winter. Magical Girls are not screened for here and are not treated in a special way until they develop their powers. Then, based on their might they are respected and given positions of honor and even some authority if their identity is known and their deeds great. While their population and unity is not that great among nations, the warriors of Northstein are the most fierce in the land, their might legendary in the continent. Most of their citizens can fight to a certain extend and are much stronger on average than those of other nations. They work magic through runes, forge great weapons and do work a bit of Divine Magic, with some outlaw witches and sorcerers living on their own on the fringe of civilization. Their population is mostly made up of giants, giant blooded humans, beastpeople, humans, dwarves and the like. Each hold is controlled by a Jarl.
  • The Nation of Leidelheim: A nation to the West of Parn, set among tall mountains and valleys and the most technologically advanced of them all. Their clockwork creations are wondrous to all, having functioning trains moving between their cities, steam and magicore moved carts and easy to use rifles and pistols. Through with a bit of smoke due to the factory and steam powered creations, the people of Leidelheim live enlightened lives, seeking knowledge and technical expertise in great academies or working in workshops and industries. While some corners of it can be downtrodden and dirty with smoke, the center of their cities are wonders to behold, with lovely metallic buildings, parks and plazas. While having a monarch, every five years the people of Leidelheim pick a Prime Minister to rule together with the monarch in the interest of taking Leidelheim into greater heights. Magical Girls in Leidelheim are not tracked and while they have their fans, they technologically inspired government tends to see their reliance in pure chance and magic with some pause. Still, they are treated cordially and may be invited to a few dinners if they make themselves a public figure and their popularity is high. Leidelheim is populated mostly by humans, dwarves, gnomes, beastpeople and halflings, as well as some mechanical creations and alchemically altered beasts.
  • The Fey Kingdoms of Eluran: A coalition of kingdoms set on the East of Parn, upon great forests, mountains and some plains ruled by fey, wild and elven interests. They band together to drive away those who would seek their resources and disturb their old ways, living in communities in the forest and some capital cities constructed around great ancient trees. Highly capable with magic and with armies who can move through the woods like a whisper, it's seldom a bad idea to fight Eluran on their own terms, though their forces lose a bit of their advantage when fighting away from home. Each nation within the coalition is led by their leaders, who could be a pack leader, an elven monarch, a human high druid, a fey queen or anything in between. Magical Girls and their treatment varies by the society that raised them within, however they are generally treated with much respect and appreciation for their power and the blessing of the Goddess. The woods of Eluran are filled with elves, humans, magical beasts, fey, beastpeople and more.
  • The Theocracy of Rallis: A nation to the West of Parn, Rallis derives their might from their Faith in the Great Goddess, building great Cathedrals in her name and maintining a powerful army of Sacred Magic Users, Paladins and the like. The pious of any races are welcome into Rallis, which is ruled by the Great Apostle. There is a certain high standard of living granted by the magic and miracles of the Rallis priests, who take away illness and light the cities. However, those who live wanton lives and follow other Gods instead of sorely the Great Goddess are persecuted to a certain extend. Rallis begrudges Parn for the death of the Great Goddess, as it all happened in their lands and by one of their Priestesses who turned to evil... and at the same time, believe that the location where it all started may have the key to stopping the Chaos Apostles. Magical Girls within Rallis are looked after, given great reverence and the love of the people, if possible raised to be pure and sacred visions of hope for all, like their shining Paladins and Priestesses. Rallis has a melting pot of all kinds of races living within the borders, all who have embraced the cult of the Great Goddess are more than welcome.
  • The Dynasty Of Chouji: Set to the far East of the continent, there lies the land of Chouji, past a great mountain region. The industrious people of this land live in a great variety of clans which at times go to war among one another, all overseen by a great Emperor or Empress. This land has a great spiritual connection to the land and entities of magic surrounding it, with great temples upon which the divine is studied and revered as well as observing the way of nature. With a good balance between armed force and magical forces as well as their own brand of magic and pacts with spiritual entities, Chouji are a strong nation to defend their interests when not at war among the clans. Magical Girls within Chouji are treated depending on the clan that finds them... though recently the current Empress is showing interest in them an extended an open invitation for any Magical Girl to come and meet her.
  • The City State of Hercine: A small state of merely one city... yet one that has remained independent for a long time. Built on a plateau surrounded by an impossibly deep chasm on all sides, with only three man made great bridges connecting to the surrounding land, Hercine is very difficult to assault. Set a bit to the South West of Parn, Hercine is in a prime location for trade and their piers of great airships travel the world seeking wealth and exchanging goods. They have a wide varied population and their own, illustrious magical academy of Whitebolt. Upon the center of the city there is Great Swam Fountain which is connected to an endless supply of water which fills some canals flowing around town. Whitebolt provides many magical luxuries to the independent City State, even a means of easy, magical communication within it. Magical Girls in Hercine are given free reign to remain anonymous or become known through the city as they prefer. The city is ruled by a Doge, elected by the population from among a few candidates from the noble family that originally founded the city.
  • The Dream - Exterior: Aside from these nations, there is also the recently formed and accessible Dream... a place only Magical Girls can enter by touching sigils spread among the nations, appearing on both ancient ruins and big monuments. The dream is a strange place... seemingly nowhere on the world, with a sky that is always dark blue and with stars shining all around. The place is a mix of park and wild forest, with some streams gently flowing into ponds filled with lotus flowers. A soft mist sometimes hangs a few centimetres off the ground and the whole place seems suffused with magic. Upon reaching the Dream, the girl is transported and stands before a a tall, smooth stone with the same sigil as the one they touched to teleport here. On the floor there will be stone with concentric circles dotted with runes and stars... and while entering it appears that you are inside a small tower made of shimmering, magical walls, taking a few steps away casts the illusion away, showing the stone floor and the gate rock to be simply part of the forest floor. Small fey creature scuttle among the grass and trees... and a cat like creature always is there to greet Magical Girls when they come, no matter which of the various gate stones scattered on the woods they use. Should they want to go to the center, a path of silver stones will appear, leading them through the forest into a building set right in the middle of the forest.
    • The Dream - Main Building: This building has marble and crystal floors on it being quite big and rounded... with many entrances all around it. Thrown around there are many cushions and seats... as well as some stairs leading up into a long circular platform of wood going all around the building... set with many bookshelves, tables, desks and the like. Also some private rooms, kitchen and storage. You can further up some stairs into seemingly nowhere to enter a vast, dark library that apparently has no end. Back on the main building, on the very middle of the ground floor, the one made of marble and crystal there is a big circular chasm... over the which floats a mysterious, crystal. The chasm has stairs on it going down but there is a little chain stopping access to the stairs.
    • The Dream - Inhabitants: Within this building live three particular creatures... One is a mysterious one, who speaks only in hums. It's body is made up of a big floating white sphere, with hands made out of two small spheres to serve as palm and thirty small ones to serve as fingers, with an array of three per finger. A an oval with a long black line lies on top, serving as the head with two smaller cylinders on top representing... ears, hair? This floating entity is usually soft to the touch, though can grow harder than diamond in an instant. The creature merely hums when talked to, floating around guarding the stair going down so nobody goes through it. It tries to calm down people before they fight within the building... and if they don't stop and actually fight, it intervenes stopping near any attack and even able to teleport Magical Girls away at will. Still, while weird it can be seen as a gentle guardian that dislikes conflict. The second inhabitant is less strange... a light blue skinned lady, with soft runic tattoos on her body, with legs ending in hooves, with long ears, white hair, amber colored eyes, simple, light violet robes, a bright smile and a long, horn rising from the middle of her forehead, seemingly made of crystal with runic carving on it. She introduces herself merely as Syl and says she exists to serve Magical Girls, providing comfort, companionship and making quite tasty treats and tea in her kitchen. There are many things she says she doesn't remember... but her purpose to her is quite clear. She introduces the white spherical guardian as Bouncer. The third inhabitant lives on the library... a being with an oval, helmet like head made of brass with two dark holes for eye slits from which an inner glow comes. It's body is another oval, this time black with two big white hands, made of flesh, floating at the sides. Syl introduces him as the Professor and he moves through the library, stacking and reading books, providing materials or knowledge to the Magical Girls if requested. He also communicates in hums, just like Bouncer though he also can write in the air with magic or through chalk and a blackboard or written notes. One last honorary inhabitant of the place is the small, cat like creature that greets Magical Girls on their arrival... which Syl greatly spoils in exchange for mewls and purrs. She calls them Seriel. Magical Girls all over the land are welcome to the Dream... and through it, they can travel great distances, coming through on gatestone and then leaving through another, allowing them to more easily visit their friends on distant nations.

Well then! This is about it for setting information. Hmmm only last detail to add is that Magical Girls are greatly powerful, though as seen in the description of the nations, a big enough force or a surprise attack can take them out by their own people if they do evil. Still, roughly combat wise, a single Magical Girl is roughly as strong the combined resources of an entire big city of one of the nations.

Anyway! Below lie the details needed to make your build of Magical Girl.

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  • Attributes: The basic attributes of your Magical Girl, which define their basic stats and proficiencies. Each stat has a cap of 5. You get 7 points to distribute among these. 0 points in an attribute represents what a completely average person may have, as well as perhaps a weakness in this area.
    • Physical Fortitude: Strength, stamina, health, raw physical power, all of that is represented in this attribute. The higher it is, the more healthy you are the stronger you hit and more you can take. At 0 points you are completely normal, at 3 points you are superhumanly strong and resilient, capable of punching through rock, at level 5 you have the strength and resilience of a demigod, hurling rocks many times your size and receiving blows and wounds that would take down even monsters.
      • Level 3 Perk - Resistant: Strong enough to shrug off some damage from more powerful attacks as well as nearly completely ignore minor strikes.
      • Level 5 Perk - Determinator: Stalwart and enduring enough to carry on fighting despite most wounds. Unless a finishing blow is dealt or battle ceases, you may keep moving and fighting so long as you're not damaged enough to impede it. Whenever you survive your wounds after the battle when exerting yourself that way is another matter depending on other talents and assistance of your peers.
    • Agility and Dexterity: Speed, reflexes, quick wit and speed of thought. The higher it is, the faster your mind and body can move and react, depending on the means for it to do so.. though it generally gives a bonus to all sorts of movements. At 0 points you are completely normal, at 3 points you are supernaturally quick and attentive, able to catch an arrow in flight easily, at level 5 almost nothing can take you by surprise as your reflexes move at a speed few can match.
      • Level 3 Perk - Supernatural Reflexes: Unless attacked by someone faster, you cannot be surprised and if you are, you have the chance to react at the same time as you are attacked by a new threat.
      • Level 5 Perk - Double Time: Cooldowns mentioned on spells are reduced by half and you may do near twice as many actions when appropriate in combat.
    • Mental Fortitude: Represents intelligence, memory, concentration, logical ability and other such virtues. The higher is it, the more intelligent you become granting you tactical abilities, incredible memory and the capacity to process and understand very complicated subjects. It increases the range and area of effect of abilities by a little as well as other perks. At 0 points you are completely normal, at 3 points you can process information and data at amazing speeds and at level 5 you are a genius without peer, glancing at the logic of the universe with clarity unmatched by any.
      • Level 3 Perk - Twin Concentration: Your keen mind and intellect allow you to concentrate on two things at once with ease.
      • Level 5 Perk - Spellcasting Savant: Your knowledge of the inner workings of Magic allow you to optimize your spells for best use of energy. Reduce the cost of all your Magics by half a core.
    • Spiritual Fortitude: Represents will power, empathy, spiritual awareness and magical energy. The higher it is, the more powerful your spells will be as you become more infused with magical energy, as well as obtaining a greater degree of mental and spiritual fortitude to resist fear and madness. At 0 points you are completely normal, at 3 points you are deeply in touch with the spiritual world, able to understand people and beasts easily, at 5 points you are near enlightened with a deep strength of spirit and great stability.
      • Level 3 Perk - Extra Core: At this level you gain an extra Magical Core to power your magic.
      • Level 5 Perk - Extra Core: At this level you gain an extra Magical Core to power your magic.

Magical Perks and Abilities

  • To create your Magical Girl, you can pick and choose from the different masteries and options provided below. You get 100 Star Points to spend on character creation, able to get more by defeating Apostles. All points not spent can be saved to buy something later. A Magical Girl can obtain new skills and magic doing a ritual taking half hour of time to spend Star Points on new powers. Usually, when a Magical Girl first has their Magical Powers activate in a situation of emergency her subconscious makes the buy for her, instantly transforming her into her ideal warrior... though some Magical Girls spend a few days doing the process themselves, slowly feeling and obtaining the powers they want for themselves and which most resonate with them. Afterwards, they do need to do the half hour ritual and concentrate on expanding their powers.

Magical Energy

  • Energy: Magical Girls are capable of incredible feats of magic and stamina. Their wondrous abilities are the envy and hope of a world on siege by darkness... And all their Magic is powered by their Magical Energy. Magical Energy at the level in which Magical Girls make use of it is measured in an unit called Magical Cores. A core produces continuous Magical Energy which the Magical Girl can use on a variety of spells. On one moment she could be using one Core worth to power a fire ball and once that is done, use it to power her flight without the Core being exhausted. However there are some spells which can be Overcasted to obtain much greater results. Overcasting a spell takes three times as much Magical Energy as they usually do. This tends to be quite expensive Energy wise, however a way to do this is by Overloading a Core. A core can be Overloaded for it to unleash three times as much energy as they usually would in an instant in order to power a spell... however doing this makes the core unusable until the Magical Girl rests for a few hours at the very least... more Overloaded cores may require an entire night of sleep to recover. Additionally, abilities and skills which don't mention a required cost in Energy for them to work require that you have at least one Core functioning to work even if they take no energy. If you Overload all your cores, you lose all those abilities and all magic until you recover at least one Core. When buying Energy Improvement, different Hearts, you need the previous improvement to buy the next one. Thus you need Heart of the Maiden before you can buy Heart of the Flower and so on.
    • Heart of the Girl (0 points): Obtained automatically, every Magical Girl by their very nature as chosen of the Goddess have one Core of Magical Energy.
    • Heart of the Maiden (5 points): Grants the Magical Girl one additional Core.
    • Heart of Flower (10 points): Grants the Magical Girl one additional Core.
    • Heart of the Tree (20 points): Grants the Magical Girl one additional Core.
    • Heart of the Grove (30 points): Grants the Magical Girl one additional Core.
    • Heart of the Forest (50 points): Grants the Magical Girl one additional Core.
    • Energy Ability - Transfer Power (10 points): Grants the Magical Girl the ability to touch a fellow Magical Girl to produce a link of up to 50 meters long in order to use her own Cores for the sake of powering the other Girl's Spells. If the two Girls are linked by another ability, you may use the distance provided by that link in order to grant them Magical Enegy.

Weapon Masteries

  • Weapon Masteries: For those who fight against the darkness, weapons are a necessity. Different in form and function, these could go from a broom, a staff, a blade, a chain, spear, gun, gauntlets, shield or any other instrument of war.
    • Weapon - Initiate Weapon (5 points): A weapon of any kind that can be summoned and dismissed at will by the Magical Girl. For this and all levels, weapons which come in pairs of multiples can be bought either individually or together. The overall effects and power of the weapon will depend on this decision. You can either buy twin blades as one weapon and this will have the power and abilities of a single one, or you can buy one weapon and then the other and they each will count as having the power and abilities of one weapon. No abilities of its own, though it can be used as a focus for magical spells, if the weapon is destroyed in battle, the Magical Girl can make it appear again after a few hours. If it lost, she can make it appear by concentrating for a minute. This weapon is magical and in general superior to a normally forged weapon of its kind, its appearance is also up to the Magical Girl to determine in the moment of creation.
    • Weapon - Arms of the Acolyte (10 points): Requires Initiate Weapon, weapon is improved to a greater magical weapon, increasing its effectiveness in direct combat. It's resilience too is improved. Additionally, it gains either an elemental attribute to be used as spells or a quality in its attacks on first rank in that element or a quality such as extra sharpness, the ability to always return when thrown and increased power when flung or the like. If no attribute is picked, it's raw power as a magical weapon will be greater.
    • Weapon - Witch Weapon (20 points): Requires Arms of the Acolyte, a weapon worthy of names and legends, whose might can slay dragons and cleave stone. Its effectiveness and resilience are further improved. It can gain both another elemental attribute or improve the one it has to second level and a weapon quality. If these are forgone, it's sheer magical might is expanded furthermore. By this point the weapon has, to an extend or another, a certain level of sentience, whenever this be a full blown personality and spirit or simple a quiet acknowledgement and affinity for its owner is up to the creator.
    • Weapon Feature - Flying (5 points): Added onto a weapon, allows the weapon to fly, bearing it's owner aloft as a means of transportation up to second level of flight mastery.
    • Weapon Feature - Flying Star (10 points): Requires Weapon Feature - Flying, allows the weapon to fly in great bursts of great speed, suitable for traveling huge stretches of land as explained in Flight Shooting Star mastery. Energy: Core and Half.
    • Weapon Feature - Self Wielding (5 points): Allows the weapon to fight by its own, not benefiting from the wielder's stats, but leaving them free to concentrate on other things.
    • Weapon Feature - Shoot (5 points): Allows the weapon to shoot weak but numerous magical projectiles by itself. Takes Half a Core of Magical Energy. Can be Overcast for a great barrage.
    • Weapon Feature - Barrier (5 points): Allows the weapon to project a barrier or shield equivalent to first level Barrier Mastery. Takes Half a Core of Magical Energy to project a standard barrier, with more power put in you can increase the effectiveness of it. Can be overcast for an impenetrable shield that lasts 1 second.
    • Weapon Feature - Blast (10 points): Requires Arms of the Acolyte, allows the weapon to create a sphere of energy to be shot for a medium sized explosion. Takes One Core of Magical Energy for a shot. Can be Overcast for a powerful explosion.
    • Weapon Feature: Great Beam (10 points): One of the most dazzling of Magical Girl feats, this feature allows a weapon of Witch Weapon level and up to shoot a powerful beam or wave of energy, capable of overwhelming medium level magical defences and cause great damage. Requires at least a minute of time to cast. Can be Overcast for an even more powerful attack, nearly guaranteed to cause damage to any foe, no matter their defences. Costs 2 Cores of Magical Energy.
    • Weapon Feature - Master of Many (5 points): Requires Arms of the Acolyte, allows for one to master the type of the given weapon, giving you the ability to manifest multiple inferior copies of the type of weapon question and wield them at once. Having ranks in telekinesis increases the damage of the swung weapons and the Self Wielding attribute reduces the level of concentration needed to move the weapons. Costs One Core worth of Magical Energy.
    • Weapon Feature - Two Modes (10 points): Allows a magical weapon to shift between two preselected forms, such as between bow and twin blades, spear and blade, axe and shield and the like. It takes half a Core of energy to do the change which is accomplished in a second.
    • Weapon Feature - Shifting Weapon (10 points): Requires Two Modes, allows the weapon to shift forms as the owner likes. So long as it is a weapon or shield, the user can freely alter the shape of their weapon. Takes a Core of energy to do the shift, accomplished in a second.
    • Weapon Feature - Giant Weapon (10 points): Allows the Magical Girl to do an attack on which their weapon grows in size or length, shifting to a more powerful appearing for a single, great attack or defense. A blade could suddenly be the size of a building as it is swung, a spear grow many, many times its length to strike at a distant foe, a shield become the size of a house or a rifle shift into a veritable giant cannon to shoot a powerful attack. Takes Core and Half of energy to use.

Clothes and Armor

  • Clothes and Armor: As important as the weapons and magic which the Magical Girls wield is the garb that denotes their status and protects them from the threats they face. The design is up to the Magical Girl and if destroyed or damaged the suit will clean and repair itself in roughly one day.
    • Clothes - Puella's Clothes (0 points): The most basic of clothes, a costume that can be summoned at any moment to clothe the magical girl, providing minimal protection equivalent to roughly thick cloth or normal leather armor.
    • Armor - Magical Robes (5 points): The first level of protection which still leaves the magical girl with full range of motion. Magical runes and wards, special materials and the like create this costume, providing the protection of a full suit of armor in the comfort of cloth for the Magical Girl who uses them.
    • Armor - Armored Robes (10 points): Requires Magical Robes, manifests as a reinforcement to the previous magical cloth, with pieces of metal armor reinforcing the costume furthermore. Greater than a suit of armor, this magical armor allows for protection from both magical and physical threats. However it requires at least one rank in strength to wear properly, otherwise wearing it reduces the speed of the user by one point. The user must have manifested the armor for it to work, however, if they don't want the dip in speed or want to appear less armored, they may stay clad in only Magical Robes and keep the armor unsummoned.
    • Armor - Witch Armor (15 points): Requires Armored Robes. A full suit of magical armor, giving the most protection to every inch of the Magical Girl. The Seal of a warring Knight or someone who cares fully for their defences, this grants great physical and magical protection, as well as guarding from the elements. It, however, requires a strength of 3 to use properly otherwise it reduces the speed of the use by two points. The user must have manifested the armor for it to work, however if they don't want the dip in speed or want to appear less armored, they may stay clad in only Armored Robes of Magical Robes and keep the armor unsummoned.
    • Armor Feature - Alteration (5 points): Allows for the armor to change shape or design in accordance to the wishes of the Magical Girl.
    • Armor Feature - Environment Protection (10 points): Requires Magical Robes or higher. Allows the armor to withstand near extreme environmental hazards, such as great natural cold or heat. It also provides oxygen to the user and seals itself from the outside, protecting from harmful gases, dust, sand and allowing them to breathe in aquatic environments.
    • Armor Feature - Expanded Magical Resistance (10 points): Requires Magical Robes. Increases the Magical Resistance of the armor depending on its level.
    • Armor Feature - Expanded Physical Resistance (10 points): Requires Magical Robes. Increases the Physical Resistance of the armor depending on its level.
    • Armor Feature - Personal Barrier (5 points): Requires Magical Robes. Produces a near invisible barrier around the user, protecting from light harm and reducing a bit the strength of attacks that go through it. Once broken it recharges in 30 seconds, though it requires the user to not be hit again as it charges.
    • Armor Feature - Quick Repair (10 points): Allows the user to channel Magical Energy into repairing their armor or clothes at a quick pace, during battle itself instead of waiting for natural repairs which take a day. Costs One Core of Magical Energy to activate the repairs.

Warrior Skills

  • Warrior Skills: While the first image that comes to mind when thinking of a Magical Girl is the epitome of a spellcaster, shooting mighty spells from afar and sealing enemies with their arcane magics, almost as common are those who use their magic to empower themselves and jump right onto the fray, wielding legendary weapons and mixing melee skills and strength with magical might.
    • Knight's Skill (5 points): The Magical Girl is filled with the knowledge of ancient fighters, obtaining the training to use most weapons proficiently as a trained warrior would. Techniques, battle forms and other such knowledge is hers to bear in the battlefield increasing greatly their skill in battle as they become a master at melee or ranged combat depending on their weapons.
    • Hero's Might (10 points): Requires Knight's Skill. The Magical Girl's skill in battle manoeuvres and fighting styles increases ever more, either through experience or further attunement to spirits of heroes past. They also acquire the ability to infuse their blows with magical energy, drawing upon their magical reserves to increase their might in battle, giving way to blows packing unbelievable strength or blinking speed. Costs One Core worth of Magical Energy to empower their attacks.
    • Legend's Power (15 points): Requires Hero's Might. The Magical Girl's skill in battle and handling weapons, weaving through enemies is further increased either through their experience or their communion with the spirit of ancient, lost legends. Without any cost to them, their blows are coated in magical energy and they may expend more of their magical energy to add an additive effect on their physical and dexterity parameters. They gain the ability to use any weapon flawlessly and get a good sense for tactics. They also gain a near precognitive instinct in battle, allowing them to sense the best course of action in a physical engagement. Costs One Core worth of Magical Energy to empower their attacks and parameters, more cores increase the effect.
    • Warrior Skill - Shield Breaking Strike (5 points): Requires Knight's Skill - Gain the ability to prepare a strike to become a Shield Breaking Strike. By expending a certain amount of Magical Energy, your next blow becomes highly more proficient at destroying or penetrating through barriers and armor as chosen by you. Costs One Core.
    • Warrior Skill - Counter (10 points): Requires Knight's Skill - By stopping all motion and applying yourself to time yourself to an incoming attack or aggression by an enemy, you can charge up a devastating counterstrike. If you are attacked while preparing your counterstrike, you can launch a blow against the incoming attack with greatly increased power, either nullifying the incoming attack or breaking through it. Costs as much energy as the strike you're trying to counter.
    • Warrior Skill - Power Attack (5 points): Requires Knight's Skill - Gain the ability to deliver a Power Attack. By sacrificing accuracy an imbuing more power into your next attack, you can deliver a more powerful blow that deals splash damage to nearby enemies. Costs One Core, more energy increases the power.
    • Warrior Skill - Disarming (5 points): Requires Knight's Skill - Gain the ability to disarm an opponent of their weapon if you get in range for it. Succeeds most of the time on opponents with a lower rank in Warrior Skills than you, requires the enemy to have less than half their health to work if dealing with an opponent at the same level of Warrior Skills than you and doesn't work ever on those with a greater Warrior Skill level than you.

Elemental Masteries

  • Elemental Masteries: Masteries over each kind of energy and elements present in the world. In each category, you must have the prior masteries before you can buy the next ones. First tier costs Half of a Core of energy to manifest, second tier costs One Core of energy to manifest and third tier cost Two Cores of energy to manifest. You must concentrate to use any kind of Elemental Mastery. Their costs are 5 points for level 1, 10 for level 2 and 15 for level three. Notice that you must have the prior Masteries to get the next one, so the cost in total of a level 3 mastery would be 30, not 15. Additionally, if you wish to make multiple effects of a given mastery you must pay the cost for each. Casting two Level Three Fire Dragon Attacks would cost you 4 Cores, not 2 and two points worth of Concentration.
    • Fire: Element of Fire, providing great damage in a big area of effect due to its nature to spread.
      • Flame Touched: Initial mastery in fire magic, allowing for the summoning and manipulation of flames and heat up to small fire balls and explosions.
      • Flame Blessed: Mid level mastery in fire magic, granting resistance to flames and more versatile control over fire, as well as greater quantities of it to be brought forth. Walls of flame, soldier sized constructs of flames and the like are possible. Can create explosions and jets of fire the size of small buildings.
      • Flame Master: High level mastery in fire magic, granting near immunity to fire and greater control over it. More and bigger flame soldiers can be brought forth, the heat of your flames go up and you can cast impressive and powerful spells bringing forth great explosions and dragon shaped jets of fire to hit your enemies.
    • Lightning: Element of Lightning, providing quick moving spells likely to stagger and paralyse foes as they are hit.
      • Storm Touched: Initial mastery in lightning magic, allowing for the summoning and manipulation of lightning bolts and spheres, as well as shocks of electricity.
      • Storm Blessed: Mid level mastery in lightning magic, granting resistance to lightning and more versatile control over it as well as greater bolts to bear. Concentrations of energy, control over electromagnetism and the like is possible. Capable of calling upon thunder to strike from above.
      • Storm Master: High level mastery in lightning magic, granting near immunity to lightning and greater control over it. Capable of creating fields of lightning around you, the voltage of your attacks goes up and you can cast impressive and powerful spells, shooting powerful concentrations of energy at foes. Allows use of a railgun strike.
    • Ice: Element of Ice, providing solid damage and the slowing of enemies due to the sheer frost. The magic is not only in the frozen ice, but also in the aura of sheer cold around each spell, sapping energy and slowing what they get into contact with.
      • Frost Touched: Initial mastery in ice magic, allowing for the summoning and manipulation of ice shards and cold auras within to slow and sap the energy of foes.
      • Frost Blessed: Mid level mastery in ice magic, granting resistance to frost and more versatile control over it as well as greater shards of ice to bear. Ice constructs, explosive orbs of frost and the ability to summon auras of cold and frozen temperatures around you are possible.
      • Frost Master: High level mastery in ice magic, granting near immunity to ice and cold as well as greater control over it. More and bigger frost soldiers can be brought to bear, the sheer cold of your spells increases, sapping more energy from your targets as well as the size of your ice shards.

Other Elemental Masteries

  • Other Elemental Masteries: Ice, Fire and Lightning are considered the basic elemental masteries taken by Magical Girls due to their high effectiveness and energy in battle, however there exist many other elemental affinities with great utility to be listed below. In each category, you must have the prior masteries before you can buy the next ones. First tier costs Half of a Core of energy to manifest, second tier costs One Core of energy to manifest and third tier cost Two Cores of energy to manifest. You must concentrate to use any kind of Elemental Mastery. Their costs are 5 points for level 1, 10 for level 2 and 15 for level three. Notice that you must have the prior Masteries to get the next one, so the cost in total of a level 3 mastery would be 30, not 15. Additionally, if you wish to make multiple effects of a given mastery you must pay the cost for each. Casting two Level Three Wind Blade Attacks would cost you 4 Cores, not 2 and two points worth of Concentration.
    • Wind: Element of Wind, providing great push and deflection in attacks as well as speed for the one controlling them. Allows for the manipulation of gusts and flow of wind as well as high pressure cutting wind.
      • Wind Touched: Initial mastery in wind magic, allowing for the summoning and use of gusts of wind, to deflect projectiles and batter foes around as well as enabling quicker and lighter movement in the user.
      • Wind Blessed: Mid level mastery in wind magic, granting resistance to be battered by the wind and other such magics. Wind constructs and walls are possible to use. Additionally, grants the use of wind blades by using pressurized air to slice as sharp blades would. The strength of the gusts goes up as well as obtaining the ability to create small tornadoes.
      • Wind Master: High level mastery in wind magic, granting near immunity in being affected by enemy winds as well as a natural barrier of air to protect against attacks. Can create powerful tornadoes full of cutting air, more powerful and quick blades of wind as well as powerful gusts to blow away enemies.
    • Water: Element of Water, fluid and versatile granting control of liquids and water in how it moves and to bear against enemies.
      • Water Touched: Initial mastery in water magic, allowing for the summoning and use of a small pond's worth of water, with more water to control if it is naturally present. The user can attack with quick, whip like motions of water, quick shot globes of it and the like. Additionally, allows the user to breathe water.
      • Water Blessed: Mid level mastery in water magic, granting resistance to high pressures exerted by water and strikes by it. Allows the user to create and manipulate greater quantities of water, approaching lake sized amounts, constructs of water and to exert pressure in the water manipulated to make it hard to move within it. Can also create constructs of water and use it for shielding yourself.
      • Water Master: High level mastery in water magic, granting near immunity to high pressure and enemy use of water magic offensively. Allows the user to create and manipulate great amounts of water, the size of a lake or greater, using more powerful water constructs and increased pressure in the water under your control, to crush foes caught by it. Tidal waves are a definite possibility.
    • Earth: Element of Earth, enduring and solid, granting control over earth, soil, metals and crystals.
      • Earth Touched: Initial mastery in Earth magic, allowing the user to control and levitate rocks and patches of dirt, moving sand and the like for a wide variety of purposes. Can also launch them with good kinetic energy for powerful, physical attacks.
      • Earth Blessed: Mid level mastery in earth magic, granting resistance to earth element strikes and an increase in general physical defences. Allows the user to create a bit of soil and rocks out of nowhere and control a greater amount. Also allows the user to manipulate metals and use them in battle. Additionally, the user can burrow into the earth with ease. Flinging great rocks, raising earth constructs and walls is possible.
      • Earth Master: High level mastery in earth magic, granting near immunity to be damaged by earth element strikes and a greater boost to physical defences. Allows the user to create more earth and rocks, granting additional control over metal and now control over sharp and strong crystals. From a small one, you can make it grow and shape it as you will as well as creating powerful earthquakes and bigger control over soil and rock in general.

Spiritual Masteries

  • Spiritual Masteries: Beyond Elemental Masteries, there are six others dealing with opposite concepts of Holy and Fell, Life and Death and Light and Dark. First tier costs Half of a Core of energy to manifest, second tier costs One Core of energy to manifest and third tier cost Two Cores of energy to manifest. You must concentrate to use any kind of Elemental Mastery. Their costs are 5 points for level 1, 10 for level 2 and 15 for level three. Notice that you must have the prior Masteries to get the next one, so the cost in total of a level 3 mastery would be 30, not 15. Additionally, if you wish to make multiple effects of a given mastery you must pay the cost for each. Casting two Level Three Light laser Attacks would cost you 4 Cores, not 2 and two points worth of Concentration.
    • Holy: The Element of Belief, Sacredness and the Gods and Great Goddess. The brightness and light it produces is not the element itself, but merely a representation and by-product of its nature. A moral element that is reinforced by spirituality, it's essence comes from the concept of the Great Goddess herself, her love for the world and the like. A bit of this essence is passed down in the scriptures and teachings of the Great Goddess, gathered by the religions of the world. It is present in the places she visited, in the things she touched and made. It is an essence of togetherness, present in civilizations and the living world all joined, a gathering of the many into a bigger one. Highly effective against demons and fell monsters, however deals little damage to normal people and living beings of the world. The light of Holiness grants protection against Fell damage, however if this protection is breached, one who walks the path of Sacredness is to be the most harmed by the power of Fell.
      • Initiate of Brightness: Initial Master in Holy magic, allowing the user to bring forth miracles and sacred attacks manifesting usually in explosions of light, soothing radiance that harm and burn demons and other such manifestations.
      • Blessed Adept: Mid level mastery in Holy magic, granting greater insight in the mysteries of the Great Goddess. Normal people may feel a connection and awe to the user, who may seem to them as glowing, healthier and a thing of awe. Allows access to greater manifestations of the Holy powers, dealing further damage to demons and vanishing their fell power.
      • Sacred Caster: High level mastery in Holy magic, granting near immunity to Holy damage and elevating the user by the grace of the Great Goddess. Their glow and visage seems almost heavenly as they obtain a peace of mind by their connection to the world. Grants access to the greatest holy attacks, great explosions of light, brilliant blades of energy strikes in giant arcs and other such feats.
    • Fell: The opposite of Holy, of the Gods and the Great Goddess. The element and power of demons and the Great Enemy. The most dangerous mastery for Magical Girls to develop, it can grant incredible power, though the risks involved are high enough for this to be discouraged near universally. A power that draws not upon the unity with the Goddess and the links with others, but merely upon the depths of the self, passions, emotions and raw primal instincts. Of one who looks upon the world and existence from within the void and darkness, severed from it. Believed to be related as well the chaos and nothingness before creation. As you ascend in Fell power, you become more and more prone to madness if not careful enough, as well as becoming sensitive to Holy damage.
      • Initiate of Secrets: Initial mastery in Fell magic, allowing the user to bring forth great power from within themselves and the chaos beyond. The appearance of this enchantment varies greatly depending on the user, though the use of this magic tends to bring forth effects which seem alien, wrong or twisted. Fell magic can easily be combined with other magics to greatly increase their power, producing black shards of incredibly cold ice, greenish flames hotter than inferno or dark lightning racing through the skies with sinister intents.
      • Forbidden Delver: Mid level mastery in Fell magic, granting greater Fell power to the user with an increase to overall defences though no resistance to Fell damage. The power of Fell is the power of the Self and another user of Fell is as much an 'Other' as Sacred is. The appearance and aura of the user may begin changing a little as they dig deeper into knowledge and powers of the Forbidden. Depending on the person this may be eerie and disturbing as it may be appealing and alluring... the individuality and strength of personality a true Fell user wields is not to be ignored lightly.
      • Demonic Caster: High level mastery of Fell magic, allowing the user to bring forth the greatest power accessible to Magical Girls, drawing upon their Self and individuality to power their spells. Overall defences are increased furthermore, as the user becomes an essence more detached from the world, standing in denial of being touched by creation. An eerie dark shine comes from the user as they must embrace their truest nature, not hide an inch of their essence to truly draw upon these powers... and either fall into the madness of their obsessions, their emotions multiplied hundredfold and laid bare or to ascend as something else... However, near unheard off are the Magical Girls who don't fall and become demons to be exterminated as well when falling to this level of depravity and selfishness.
    • Light: Element of Light, the brightness and energy. Brings forth radiance, overloads senses, disguises with illusions and burns enemies with lasers and beams of concentrated power. Has synergy with Sacred due to the Light such spells tend to produce.
      • Light Touched: Initial mastery in Light magic, allowing the user to bring forth light and sound of different kinds to bear in battle, shooting searing rays of light against enemies, capable of overloading senses and burn flesh.
      • Light Blessed: Mid level mastery in Light magic, allowing the user further control and power over light, thus having access to more potent lasers and beams. This also allows the user enough control to craft illusions by bending light in the air in order to deceive foes. So long as they don't attack, they can also render themselves invisible. Also grants resistance to Light magic.
      • Light Master: High level mastery in Light magic, allowing the user greater control over Light. The user can now additionally create Hard Light constructs as well as wield greater power in their beams and lasers as well as make more elaborate illusions. They become near immune to Light damage and won't generally be fooled by other Light illusions.
    • Shadow: Element of Shadow, of Darkness and emptiness. Brings forth darkness, muddles the senses, hides the user and things as well as damaging with constructs of darkness rising from the shadows. Tends to have synergy with Fell.
      • Shadow Touched: Initial level of Shadow Mastery, allows the user to hide in shadows and darkness as well as to materialize them, producing constructs which can attack with tentacles, blades or other creations. Also grants resistance to Dark magic.
      • Shadow Blessed: Mid level Shadow Mastery, allows the user further control and power over shadows and darkness, allowing them to dim light and create pockets of shadow around the field from which to draw forth their powers. Additionally, they may meld into shadows fully to then move through them into another shadow so long as they are connected. The creations of shadow become more potent and greater in mass and strength. Also grants near inmunity to shadow damage.
      • Shadow Master: High level Shadow mastery, allowing the user incredible control over shadows and darkness... allowing further movement by moving faster through darkness and shadows. At this level, if they hit an enemy with a shadow attack, they can begin to dull their senses, robbing them of sight or if completely encased, most of their senses unless they free themselves. Shadow constructs become more elaborate and numerous.
    • Life: Element of Life, of movement, change and evolution. Affects living things, granting them power and size, calling or creating upon plants animals and living creatures to assist in combat.
      • Breath of Energy: Initial mastery of Life, allowing for control and creation of plan matter to assist in combat, making them grow in great numbers and size. Animals and other living things get an affinity for the user.
      • Song of Nourishment: Mid level mastery of life, allowing for greater calling and creation of plant matter as well as the creation of creatures to assist in battle temporarily. Allows the user as well to increase the size and ferocity of creatures called, imbuing them with a temporal heightened evolution and change to defend life and the cycle of change. The user can heal from wounds they would have survived anyway faster than usual. Grants resistance to Life damage as the recipients of it are reluctant to attack the user. The heightened evolution can be triggered on the very caster to heighten their physical attributes. A life magic user tends to appear more vibrant, more alive to anyone who looks upon them.
      • Cry of Life: High level mastery of Life, allowing the user to unleash the greatest powers of Life itself. Allows the created plants to awaken as powerful, great treants in battle, animals and creatures can grow to gigantic sizes and develop spines, numerous fangs and other traits to better allow them to engage in battle to defend their lives and the natural order of the world. Grants near immunity to Life damage as near no natural animal or plant affected by such magic will dare touch a Cry of Life Master. The regeneration of the user is also heightened. Their vigor and vibrancy becomes even more noted and an user hardly needs any sleep.
    • Death: Element of Death, of spirits, the beyond and stasis. Calls upon the spirits of those deceased, but also implies lack of movement, of progress, a stillness and preservation of what is death and may no longer grow or change but instead stay encapsulated as it once was.
      • Spirit Whisperer: Initial level mastery of Death, allowing the user to call upon the spirits of the deceased for assistance. Self possession on these spirits to obtain their living skills and experience is possible. User can also raise skeletons and zombies to fight at their side. It is possible to attack with the power of the spirits in rays of energy.
      • Corpse Caller: Mid level mastery of Death, allowing the user to call upon more and stronger spirits, of great warriors and sorcerers of before. They get greater control of the remains of deceased, moving them faster and more naturally... calling upon the magic of stasis to make their bones and skin harder to destroy and change. Their spiritual attacks are also stronger and they can raise stronger undead creatures, even combining corpses to make more resilient monsters.
      • Death Singer: High level mastery of Death, allowing the user to call upon long lost spirits. Should they choose to, they may become a lich or vampiric creature, sustaining themselves with magic and the energy of the living and thus becoming undead. Feats such as combining countless skeletons together into one giant, launching blasts of spirit energy and draining the strength of the living is possible. They may also imbue their creations with the curse of undead and stillness, creating propagating undead by slaying and raising those who die affected by it.

Magical Disciplines

  • Magical Disciplines: Beyond the calling of Elemental Masteries there is also a matter of other ways to weave and wield magic in the fight against the Forces of Darkness. In each category, you must have the prior masteries before you can buy the next ones. First tier costs Half of a Core of energy to manifest, second tier costs One Core of energy to manifest and third tier cost Two Cores of energy to manifest. You must concentrate to use any kind of Elemental Mastery. Their costs are 5 points for level 1, 10 for level 2 and 15 for level three. Notice that you must have the prior Masteries to get the next one, so the cost in total of a level 3 mastery would be 30, not 15. Additionally, if you wish to make multiple effects of a given mastery you must pay the cost for each. Casting two Level Three Shields would cost you 4 Cores, not 2 and two points worth of Concentration.
    • Abjuration - Barriers: The study of magic that protects, shields and guards. Users of this magic focus on protecting from magic and wielding the mightiest wards into battle, to absorb more and more damage.
      • Adept of Protection: Grants the user the capability of creating magical shields of various designs and sizes or surround something or someone in a relatively weaker spherical barriers to protect from all directions. The more magical energy invested in the barriers the more they can protect. You can also cast more of them with more energy. Barriers also stop equal level teleporters from moving through them unless they Overcast.
      • Enduring Guardian: Increased skill in creating barriers. You can cast multiple shields with the same energy as you used before for one and you can create a moderately resistant barrier easily enough to require almost no concentration. Additionally, so long as you have any magical energy left you'll have a weak field or energy surrounding you to protect you from damage, which recharges in 30 seconds after last hit once it's broken. You may also do rituals to protect buildings and other static objects, imbuing them with a protective barrier to secure them, such as making a church resist attacks or seal a door closed so that it resists all unwanted attempts to open it. Barriers also stop equal level teleporters from moving through them unless they Overcast. You may allow allied teleporters to move through them as you wish.
      • Stalwart Shielder: The strength, size and number of your barriers increases ever more. You become capable of creating barriers big enough to shield an entire city and by focusing your magic stack powerful barriers in order to protect from all but the mightiest of blows. Your capacity for protection of yourself and others increases even more and your personal protective shield becoming more potent as well. Barriers also stop equal level teleporters from moving through them unless they Overcast. You may allow allied teleporters to move through them as you wish as well as selectively decide what and who can go through your barriers effortlessly and what cannot.
    • Telekinesis: The ability to use magic in order to exert raw force at a distance onto objects and people.
      • Initiate Telekinetic: Can produce a bit further than regular strength regularly in force at a distance of up to fifty meters. Picking up objects is possible as well as producing a somewhat weak wave of force to push or pull people and objects around. With concentration up to three objects can be manipulated at once with this power. While weak manifestations of power tend to be invisible the user can make them visible as a glowing aura... stronger manifestations always are visible and can be struggled against.
      • Adept Telekinetic: Can produce more power up to a distance of 200 meters. Force can be concentrated into lashes, whip like strikes and strong punches. Pushes and pulls become strong enough to deal not insignificant damage. Up to 10 items can be manipulated at once easily. User can also levitate themselves with a bit of concentration. Most manipulations in this level can't be disguised by invisibility, the magical glow of which becoming more pronounced.
      • Force Master: So long as there is line of sight, the user can exert their power kilometres away so long as their magic has time to travel there. Lashes, fists and whips made of raw force become bigger and stronger, capable of easily shattering rock. Pushes and pulls can blow away rooted trees and deal significant damage. Dozens of items can be manipulated with a bit of energy at once. The user becomes capable of levitating themselves with ease and even fly by flinging themselves with their power if they concentrate on it. The user also becomes enveloped in a field of energy up to 50 meters away in which they can sense things within... thus taking the Telekinetic by surprise can become hard. The user can also extend their visible force outwards to feel and detect things outside this range if they concentrate on it.
    • Transformation: The art of altering the shape of the self and others, of taking something and turning it into something else.
      • Altering of the Self: Allows the user to do changes to their appearance up to a certain extend. Humanoids remain humanoids, but one can alter their race and species, alter all physical characteristics and the like at will. Superficial healing is possible. One can also grow gills in order to breathe underwater. Additionally, one can do light alterations on a willing target.
      • Mastery of Shapes: Allows the user to change their form in more significant ways. Shift into larger shapes, monstrous species and the like becomes possible, as well as increasing physical might by altering muscles. Creation of wings and tails becomes possible on the base form. When focusing this magic into an attack it becomes possible to change foes a bit bigger than yourself into other shapes, reduce their size or increase it. The changes are temporary but depend on the might of the one on which the shapechange is used. On bigger enemies it is possible to alter small sections of them, such as changing a great arm into a small, near useless one. You can also permanently alter small objects into other things.
      • Greater Transmutation: Allows the user to the greatest mastery of shape changing. Maintaining concentration and expending power you may shift into great, monstrous shapes, such as dragons, giants, behemoths and more. Your shapeshifting spells on others are more potent and lasting, becoming permanent in regular people who can't resist the power and lasting days even on those who know magic. On great enemies and demons, you can reduce their strength and alter greater parts of them without too much difficulty as well as change even big objects into different ones permanently so long as they aren't magical.
    • Telepathy: Magic dealing with the mind, communication over long distances and affecting emotions and thoughts.
      • Empath: Capable of creating a mental connections among those willing. Requires a touch to activate and then the link can be maintained up to a few miles away. Up to 10 mental links can be made and the Telepath can allow them all to communicate mentally all together no matter noise disturbances or distance up to the limit. Expending energy the Telepath can try to feel the emotional state of a target. Barriers, binding fields and purification of the same level can disrupt or break or block a link. An Overcast can be used to maintain a communication through difficult circ*mstances. In all levels the link may be used as a conduit for other kinds of magic.
      • Mind Linker: Mind link can now be established out of a distance of fifty meters and the range can span nations. Up to 50 mental links can be made and beyond just managing communications, the Telepath can also, if the recipient is willing, know of their mental and physical status and condition. The Telepath can know the emotional state of those around them unless they shield themselves either with barriers or mental defences. A telepath may expend energy to try and influence the mood of someone, sending them waves of a certain emotion, such as calm, anger, joy and the like. Expending energy to do so, the Telepath can read the surface thoughts of a target, though if they have medium to high mental stats they may notice and try to fight off the intrusion. If the target is asleep or unconscious, however, the Telepath can more easily read surface thoughts and dreams, with Overcasting to look at memories. Barriers, binding fields and purification of the same level can disrupt or break or block a link. An Overcast can be used to maintain a communication through difficult circ*mstances. The Empath may also attack sorely with mental energy, taking time and aim to overwhelm the mind of the target with emotion, thoughts or simply psychic energy, thus causing both pain and the lose of concentration.
      • Master Telepath: Mind link can now be established up to a kilometer away and the connection can be maintained near regardless of physical distance. Up to five hundred mental links can be maintained, though it requires concentration to channel the words of each member of the link net to their appropriate destination on these circ*mstances. Those linked receive a bonus to joint efforts as their intentions, feelings and thoughts are more seamlessly delivered. The telepath can now read the surface thoughts and emotions of those around them, as well as feel the presence of minds in a five hundred meter radius of them with concentration unless the owner of such takes appropriate measures to hide them or shield themselves. A telepath of this level can expend energy to deliver emotions and thoughts to others, who depending on their mental fortitude and how foreign these emotions or thoughts are may or may not recognize them as coming from the Telepath. On a helpless opponent, the Telepath can expend energy to look into their memories and thoughts and Overcast to alter something within or give a command. Barriers, binding fields and purification of the same level can disrupt or break or block a link or telepathic attack. An Overcast can be used to maintain a communication through difficult circ*mstances. The Empath may also attack sorely with mental energy, taking time and aim to overwhelm the mind of the target with emotion, thoughts or simply psychic energy, thus causing both pain and if too extreme the lose of consciousness. In this level the Telepath may expend energy to shoot out a wave of emotion and mental energy to disturb and and wound the minds of people and creatures in a radius of a hundred meters.
    • Divination: Magic which finds things, looks and hears of things at a distance and can even peer into the future.
      • Far Eye: Capable of expending magic to look into events at a distance, even project such images for other to see. Range is of a few miles around, though the Divinator must know of a locale to look at it. Divination and spying is blocked by barriers, purification fields and seals of the same level. The Divinator may also create a drone of some sort to send out for scouting within their range of scrying to look upon places they don't know. The drone is visible and vulnerable to being destroyed and if it passes or a barrier is exerted around it, the signal to it will be lost unless the Divinator Overcasts.
      • Veil Piercer: The Divinator now has a range of action for their scrying that goes beyond the border of a nation. They may try to sense specific people or things, using their magic to divine their location within their range. The product of this divination depends on how familiar they are with what they are looking for, the energy expended and how hidden the thing is. By concentrating and expending energy, the Divinator may try to look into the future... looking at shadows representing the movement of things and people a few seconds in the future. The Divinator now also has a sense for danger that warns them a couple seconds in advance of events that would severely harm or kill them... and if they have someone they have bonded thoroughly with, they may also feel the same for them. They can sense when something harmful or bad happens to those closest to them, such as family and dear friends. By doing a ritual, the Divinator can try to see events further in the future, however the future is ever shifting and only events that affect a lot of people and are near certain to happen can be seen with clarity... however, the appearance of a large demon almost always can be seen given that it meets the criteria.
      • All-Knowing: The Divinator's range of effect for scrying no longer has spatial limits so long as they concentrate on farther away locales. They have increased effectiveness finding people or things based on their familiarity and may overcome lesser means of hiding them depending on the distance. The Divinator now sees shadows of the immediate future without much effort or concentration and may expend energy to increase the clarity of these visions. When they see someone's face, they may see with a bit of effort the most relevant facts about this person, things that would be common knowledge to those the person knows and their general capabilities. You ability to see the future is also expanded, specially when focusing in a particular individual.
    • Binding: Discipline of capturing, binding, restriction, sealing and other impositions, using magic to restrain, slow and steal the freedom of other beings.
      • Adept Chainer: The user can manifest chains, ribbons, rope or other magical bindings to try and strike at an enemy with. The user can manifest up to two such restraints at the same time and the one who becomes captured by them must spend considerable time and effort to come free or be helped free unless they use magic or talents of a level higher to the chains. Unless they Overcast a teleporter whose powers are of the same level may not escape the chains or use their powers to move their location. The bindings can be made tight to harm the one caught within, or before they envelop them, can be used as whips.
      • Oppressor: The user can now manifest four restraints at the same time and their range increases to two hundred meters. The strength of the bindings goes up, requiring more effort on part of the one restrained in order to be set free. Additionally, the user may expend energy to manifest an aura of oppression around them or a point in particular, with a radius of a hundred meters which makes flight difficult, impedes teleportation into the area and slows those moving at supernatural speeds. Additionally, a spiritual being, demon or other enemy that isn't too big can be sealed into a previously prepared receptacle once they are weakened enough, imprisoning them until the item is destroyed or the creature is released by using an Overcast.
      • Master Binder: The user can now manifest six restraints at the same time and their length is increased to restrain bigger targets. The strength of the bindings goes up, requiring Overcasts of the same level in order to escape or a free target of the same level to break. The aura of oppression now works on a radius of four hundred meters and the Binder may have one on their person and once stuck on an object elsewhere. By concentrating, the Binder can slowly make those caught within lose their ability to fly until they are grounded unless they Overcast to fly outside of his area of effect. Teleportation is impossible within the area unless a teleporter of the same rank Overcasts to move away. Now near any being or object, once weakened enough can be imprisoned within an appropriate receptacle if the Binder has them in their restraints and does a proper ritual, Overcasting in the process.
    • Purification: Specialized discipline, based upon doing away with the taint of demonic infestations, their magic and power. Additionally can be used impede and dispel other magics.
      • Cleanser: Can do a ritual and expend their energy to start reversing the taint of demons and lower their power by disrupting the magic they can do. Can also attack by infusing weapons or shooting waves of purity which do almost no damage to regular beings but are effective against demons, similar to Holy Magic.
      • Exorcist: The strength of rituals becomes stronger, able to more quickly reverse the effect of demonic taints and more greatly affecting them. Additionally, the user may produce an aura 200 meters wide which wards away demonic presences and if they choose so, reduce the power of magical abilities used within, disrupting teleportation, scrying and the like within. They may also counter spells they can see by expending the energy it takes to do the spell in question plus a little bit more.
      • Bringer of Purity: The strength of the ritual becomes even greater with purity focused spells and attacks cleaving and dispelling the magic of demons with great effectiveness. The aura of purity may now be increased in size by 400 meters and the user may do a longer ritual to make it lingering on a locale and centered on an item that unless disturbed, will carry it indefinitely. As desired by the caster, the aura can also interfere with other magical effects which the caster decides as they create the aura. The caster can also more skillfully negate magic, expending the same amount of energy as their enemy to negate a spell. Using an Overcast allows the Bringer of Purity to make it so that their aura becomes one of full Anti-Magic for 3 seconds... every spell or magical effect within fizzling out and becoming countered unless they too are an Overcast of High Level in which case they will be weakened but not dispelled.
    • Healing: The practice using magic for cures, mending, bringing back to past states and repairing.
      • Acolyte Soother: Using magical energy you can heal small wounds and work on slowly mending the severity of graver ones. You may also repair small tears and small broken objects.
      • Healer: The effectiveness of your healing increases, allowing you to heal graver wounds quicker. By Overcasting, you may mend a lost limb, though if it was lost, it will need to grow back again over a period of a few days. You may also spend energy to remove illnesses or curses as well as repair medium sized broken objects.
      • Grand Healer: The effectiveness of your healing increases furthermore. You can expend energy to near instantly repair lost limbs and your power to undo curses and illness becomes even more pronounced. By doing a ceremony you can even turn back time on an affected person to undo everything that happened to them before a certain period of time and by a different one, you may restore vitality and turn back years on a willing recipient. By Overcasting, so long as there is anything remaining of someone who recently died, you can completely restore their body and if their soul can be brought back, they resurrect.
    • Regeneration: Magic which acts on your own body, constantly mending damage and heightening the natural process of healing.
      • Passive Regeneration: Increased healing on your own body that costs no magical energy to have active. Reduces the time for normal wounds to close so that they may close within battle if not too deep and heal in a matter of many hours instead of days. Does not cost Magical Energy.
      • Active Regenerator: Capacity to expend magical energy to quickly heal wounds even in the midst of battle. Can Overcast to instantly restore a lost limb.
      • Grand Regeneration: Natural regeneration and active further improved, after receiving a wound this will start closing and healing itself if it's not too dire and if energy is spent on it, it will surely be healed. Brain and heart remain as the weak point, receiving damage there will knock out the magical girl at best as the regeneration tries to fix the damage with all remaining magical energy or will lead to death.
    • Senses and body: Using magical energy can greatly improve the senses and body of a Magical Girl, leading to incredible supernatural feats. These masteries don't usually require one another unless specifically noted.
      • Improved Senses (5 points): A general increase in baseline senses... can hear farther away, eyesight becomes perfect and more clearly able to look at distant things, nose is more keen and the like.
      • Eyes of the World (10 points): Improved eyesight, capable of looking perfectly in nonmagical darkness and in infrared spectrum. User also obtains telescopic vision, able to concentrate in order to look clearly at things miles away... however, this doesn't mean you see everything that far away. Upon focusing on a point you can zoom in to look at specific points in the distance. So if you're looking at a city you couldn't notice everyone moving through it, but if you focus on the entrance to a bar five miles away you can notice when someone enters it.
      • Clairvoyance (10 points): Requires Eyes of the World. Grants the ability to see shadows of events in the future when focusing on a particular thing. Used specially for sniping, concentrating on a particular foe to line up the perfect shot taking into account projectile travel time and movement of the opponent. Countered by the reflexes of the opponent who may try to dodge the shot once it starts going out or block it by other means. However, it highly improves accuracy at high ranges.
      • Tremorsense (5 points): Capacity to feel movements on the earth through touching it directly. Can notice all but the faintest footsteps for near a mile away and farther out if the steps are more heavy. Usually can tell the weight of the one moving and by learning different footsteps the kind of being stepping. Additionally, you grain an incredibly keen sense of touch.
      • Scent Tracker (5 points): Obtain a nose as keen as that of the finest beast, capable of tracking creatures by their scent as well as recognizing them by it.
      • Ears of the Wild (15 points): Obtain incredibly sharp ears capable of picking out sounds miles away so long as you concentrate on them. You do need to hone in on the source of a particular noise in order to make it out. However, you can say, passively concentrate on hearing the voice of your friend and once you hear it far away, take a few seconds to hone in on the source of it to understand what they are saying.
      • Master Taster (10 points): Obtain an incredibly keen palate, capable of picking a drop of poison from an entire barrel of alcohol as well as the faintest spices on a meal. You also gain control of your metabolism, accelerating and decreasing it at will, as well as obtaining the strength of gut to eat raw meat, and all manner of organic matter you wouldn't before.
      • One with the World (15 points): Requires all other Senses and Body Masteries. Obtaining an incredible unity with the world by the means of such enhanced senses. Increases all stats by one point as the Magical Girl becomes near enlightened. Also grants One Core of Magical Energy. Any unarmed attack by the Magical Girl counts as magical and as implied by the raising of the stats, they gain greater degree of control and movement of their body, allowing for effective barehanded and avoidance based fighting style.

Transportation and Movement Magic

  • Transportation and Movement: Magical Skills developed for the sake of improving movement upon the battlefield.
    • Teleportation: Utilizing magic to shift through space to cross distances near instantly. Blinking takes One Core worth of energy to use. Long Range Gates cost Two Cores worth of Energy to use. Battlefield Portals cost One Core worth of Energy to use. Teleporting enemies costs Two Cores.
      • Initiate Hopper (5 points): Spend magic energy to instantly blink up to 50 meters away from your initial position. Each additional shift before a full minute passes cost double the amount of energy. Can be overcast to get a four charges of teleportation to be used within a minute.
      • Adept Jumper (10 points): Requires Initiate Hopper. Range of blinks is extended to 100 meters and the limitation on additional shifts is lessened to a 10 second cooldown before you can do another blink, otherwise the cost of doing so doubles. Can once again be Overcast for five charges of teleportation to be used within a minute. Also allows over an hour the creation of magic gate leading to a location many miles away. Within the battlefield, by concentrating for thirty seconds they can make a small gate leading somewhere within a mile of their actual location. They may also touch a willing ally and move them away up to the range of a blink.
      • Master of Transportation (15 points): Requires Adept Jumper. Limitation on cooldown for blinks goes away, through the transporter concentrate on blinking and must fully manifest somewhere for at least a second before blinking again. Allows for the construction of permanent magical gates linking two locations indefinitely. By expending magic they may make small gates in only five seconds, lasting a minute or less, that lead up to a mile away and that anyone can go through. They may also prepare a teleportation spell that instantly transports them back to a previously linked location upon receiving a certain amount of damage. Their mastery of teleportation allows them expend more magic to transport even enemy units by touching them or with an increased cost if at a distance. Can Overcast to teleport even really big enemies.
    • Flight: A signature ability of Magical Girls, allows for the ability to negate their bonds to the Earth and lift off into the skies moving by using magical energy.
      • Hovering Flight (5 points): Allows the Magical Girl to hover and fly to a limited extend. Maximum altitude is off 400 hundred meters up and maximum speed is of 50 Km/h. Takes Half a Core of energy to fly at this speed.
      • Adept Flier (10 points): Requires Hovering Flight. Allows the Magical Girl greater freedom and speed in flight. Their maximum speed goes up to 200 Km/h and maximum height of flight up to one and a half kilometers. Takes One Core of energy to fly at this speed.
      • Shooting Star (15 points): Requires Adept Flier. Eliminates the limit on height a Magical Girl may fly on and additionally allows the Shooting Star method of transportation. While regular speed of flight with full maneuverability remains the same, with this level the Magical Girl may concentrate their power into an incredible burst of speed, accelerating them in flight to supersonic speeds and leaving behind a trail of magical energy. Suitable for long range travel and for the most daring and protected very powerful rushing attacks. However, this means of flight requires increased energy, concentration and is not very maneuverable. Takes two Cores worth of Magical Energy to move at this speed.
    • General Movement: Skills augmenting other more natural forms of movement.
      • Leaping Movement (5 points): Allows the Magical Girl a great degree of agility and movement in general settings. Allows for a magical girl to jump without difficulty up to a height of a two stories tall building and twice as far, likewise increasing their running speed. Can expend magical energy to gather strength for longer hops. Every Core of Energy used doubles the height and length of the jump.
      • Great Dasher (20 points): Allows the Magical Girl the ability to run incredibly fast, moving up to supersonic speeds though at the cost of manoeuvrability. The faster they go, the less control they have over their movement and more energy it costs. Takes two Cores worth of Energy to go top speed. Requires concentration to move at this speed.
      • Borrowing Speed (5 points): Grants the Magical Girl the ability to burrow on soft ground and create tunnels. Can be taken again to increase the speed of their burrowing and a third time to burrow through rocks.
      • Swimming Speed (5 points): Grants the Magical Girl the ability to hold their breath for up to 10 minutes and swim at great speeds. Can be taken again to increase the speed of their swimming and a third time to grant the ability to breathe water.

Familiars, Companions and Summons

  • Summons, Pets, Companions: Even besides the company of other Magical Girls, there are allies and summons that keep them company and even enter the battlefield together with the Magical Girls.
    • Familiar (5 points): The Magical Girl gains a small fairy, magical creature or other familiar to serve as a pet and companion. The Magical Girl may look through the eyes of their familiar and communicate with them telepathically when such communications are available. Besides providing an usually fluffy companion, the assistant or pet can assist in everyday activities and even in spellcasting. By melding with the user they may provide concentration for one spell while the Magical Girl does the other at the cost of slightly increased cost in Magical Energy. Can be bought multiple times for more than one Familiar. Upon receiving damage, the Familiar may be forced into Spirit mode and require rest before they can be summoned again for help. However, if left at the mercy of an enemy, they can receive enough damage to truly die. Whenever a fluffy rabbit like creature, a cute little fairy or a mischievous imp, a Familiar tends to be a precious companion to a Magical Girl.
    • Battle Companion (15 points if stand alone, 10 if upgraded): This option may be bought standalone or as an improvement for a Familiar at a slightly reduced cost. This option may be bought multiple times for multiple companions. This grants the Magical Girl a spirit, warrior or creature fit for being a Battle Companion. Mid level of power with stats and form roughly as decided by the Magical Girl, the summoned familiar is able to fight on par and assist their Magical Girl, though facing a typical Magical Girl alone would be a defensive battle at the very best. Usually a Battle Companion has access to power over an element or discipline of first level aside from their usual combat usefulness and some mobility options as well as the telepathic communication. Like a familiar, if too damaged in battle they can fall into Spirit form to heal their wounds for the next battle, but if left at the mercy of an enemy, they can truly die. Additionally, a Magical Girl can buy this improvement and instead of acquiring a creature or magical soldier, they can invest a regular person with their magic to obtain the same benefits. Whenever it is a magical chimera companion, a heavenly Valkyrie soldier, a flame spitting wolf the size of a horse or a dear friend clad in magical armor and weapons to do battle, Battle Companions stand side to side with their Magical Girls, sometimes fighting as one mind with two bodies unleashing damage on a foe, sometimes as a defender for a casting oriented Magical Girls and sometimes as support for a warrior Magical Girl. Requires One Core Worth of energy to summon and then nothing.
    • Summon Warrior (30 points if standalone, 15 if upgraded): This option may be bought standalone or as an improvement for a Battle Companion at a slightly reduced cost. This option may be bought multiple times for different Summons. This grants the Magical Girl a greater Summon Warrior, usually a giant sized creature of great magical and physical might. The Magical Girl must spend Magical Energy constantly to keep them incarnated on the world, but for this cost they gain command of truly powerful beasts and spirits. If faced alone by a regular Magical Girl they would require their focus and concentration in order to be defeated... woe be the Magical Girl that underestimates them due to their nature as a Summon as their damage output is enough to wound and even defeat a Magical Girl who doesn't pay them attention. Their appearance and distribution of their strength is up to the Magical Girl that summons them. They usually have access to freely use up to level 2 spells of a certain element or discipline, as well as great physical strength and telepathic communication with their Magical Girl. However, the Magical Girl must be somewhat close to their summon in order to continue providing them with energy. If they move more than a kilometer away from them, their link is broken and the Summon Warrior vanishes or reverts to their previous form. Like a Battle Companion, if too damaged in battle they can fall into Spirit form to heal their wounds for the next battle, but if left at the mercy of an enemy, they can truly die. Whenever they are a powerful and mighty dragon, a gigantic burrowing lizard, a mighty Seraph, or an ancient golem of war, Summon Warriors always shape the battlefield around their great presence. Requires Two Cores Worth of Energy to keep materialized.
    • Assistant/Pet Improvement - Humanoid Form (5 points): Grants the Pet or Assistant the ability to turn into a humanoid form with roughly the physical parameters of a regular or fit human.
    • Battle Companion Improvement - Mount (10 points) : Allows the Battle Companion to be used as a mount or to assist in a means of transportation for the user. Generally grants them a magical saddle or other kind of accommodation and an improvement in their speed, be it on land or flying for the Magical Girl to move together with her companion.
    • Summon Warrior Improvement - Permanent Incarnation (20 points) : At a great cost, the Summon Warrior obtains enough energy to not require the magic supply of their Magical Girl, giving them a lot more autonomy.

Congratulations for making it all the way down of this incredibly, unnecessarily lengthy opening post! Now, finally... here is the character sheet to be filled.

Character Sheet

  • Character Info: Pertaining your character.
    • Name: What are you called? Do you have aliases or titles?
    • Age: Real and apparent if applicable.
    • Gender: Female is basically the only option so I don't know why I put this field in.
    • Origin: Where are you from? Can be one of the listed above or you can make up your own, small country set in between those.
    • Species: Are you human? Half elf? Dwarf? Elf? Genasi? Something else? Say it here.
    • Appearance: What do you look like when not transformed?
    • Personality: What do you act like? Who do you care about? Who are you?
    • Bio: What has your life been like?
  • Magical Girl Info: Pertaining their Magical Girl talents.
    • Mark: Magical Girls have the Mark of Magic somewhere on their body... where is yours? Additionally, when their magic manifests, around this small mark a tattoo that generally represents the magical girl and their abilities forms. What does yours look like? Don't worry, you can make it fade from view at will if it's too conspicuous at times. The tattoo grows more elaborate the more the Magical Girl grows in power.
    • Magical Girl Appearance: What do you usually look like when transformed into a Magical Girl? What kind of clothes or armor do you wear?
    • Stats: Write in your stats and what perks, if any, you have on them.
      • Physical:
      • Dexterity:
      • Mental:
      • Spiritual:
      • Perks:
    • Energy: Write down your number of Cores and what improvements you have on this field.
    • Magical Weapon: Write down and describe your magical weapon, as well as enhancements bought for it.
    • Clothes and Armor: Write down and describe your armor, as well as enhancements bought for it.
    • Warrior Skills: Write down what your warrior skills and enhancements are.
    • Elemental and Spiritual Masteries: Write down your Elemental and Spiritual Masteries as well as their level.
    • Magical Disciplines: Write down your Magical Disciplines as well as their level.
    • Transportation and Movement: Write down your transportation and movement magic, as well as their level.
    • Familiar, Companions and Summons: Write down and describe to any extend your companions and summons, as well as what enhancements you bought for each and at which level they are.

And that is it! I look forward to your applications. If you have any questions, doubts, feedback or the like, please do inform me.

For reading so much, here you all get a Star. ★ Disclaimer: Not actually redeemable for more Star Points.

edited 16th Apr '15 7:33:17 PM by daltar

The Hope of Seikas - A Fantasy Magical Girl RP - Signup Thread (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.